A Skeleton Of Truth
There is belief and there is truth! They are not necessarily the same!
There is truth and there is belief! They are not necessarily the same!
Every religion is entitled to hold its own opinion and think differently, but not to blame it on God, or pretend that it is God's view!
Led To Believe: Many people believe in God and our spiritual existence, but we can't always believe in the many different interpretations of what God supposedly thinks. Everyone in religion says they've got it right! However, if this were true, all religions would be in tune and saying the same thing, which they are not. Humanity has been artificially divided by different religious opinion and what people are led to believe.
Born The Same! Although we may vary in colour, we are all born the same, as 'blank' human beings. The differences that separate and divide humanity are as a result of the information we are fed. The quality and validity of this information is crucial. It varies immensely and depends on our parents, and where we are born and brought up. It includes our languages, traditional customs, fashion, and of course, religion, or belief.
What Is Religion? Religion is man's attempt at understanding and interpreting our existence and our relationship with that which we have come to know as God. Religion also tries to tell people how they should live their lives, supposedly for the better.
What Is Wrong With Religion? Religion has been used by various individuals and organisations to manipulate and gain control over people, either to make themselves feel better, to become more powerful, or for monetary gain. Much of what is expressed in religion is not the word of God, but the word of man.
What Else Is Wrong With Religion? Religion often imposes itself on others, who are given little or no choice, as they are groomed from a young age. Many of the opinions expressed in religion are inaccurate and conflicting with other religions, which gives rise to confusion in the world. Religion currently causes people to argue and fight, sometimes to kill.
What Else Is Wrong With Religion? Religion can cause people to feel that they have the right to dictate, persecute and mete out punishment in the name of God. Religion is also used as an excuse to abuse people, deprive people of individual freewill and oppress women.
What We Know About Religion...
- There are many different religions in the world
- None of them especially agree on everything and all have their own interpretation
Main religions themselves are further divided with different denominations and interpretations
- Many different and conflicting things are said in the name of God and they can't all be right
- Most religions and denominations have a tendency to think they are right and others are wrong
- The differences of opinion cannot all be God's opinion, they are, therefore, clearly manmade
- There is a need for all religions to get in tune with each other and in tune with God!
- Perhaps you think your religion is the only true religion? But then so does everyone else!
Conclusion: People are lied to in the name of God. Religion is currently not true to God. Religion is the result of 'elders', that is elderly men promoting and imposing their own views, which can be misguided, corrupted, bigoted and misogynistic, and blaming it on God!
Let's Remember! Religion is supposed to be about helping the ordinary people to improve their lives and improve as individuals. It should not be about creating mess, or a bigoted and oppressive culture, based on man's faults, misinterpretations and distasteful opinions!
Agreeable With God! We should not be causing problems in the name of God. To try and put things right, we must analyse where we have gone wrong - the discrepancies, and the key points of what a religion should actually cover. From that, we can construct a framework for a unifying code of conduct, which works for everyone, is agreeable with everyone, and IS agreeable with God.
Additional Notes
The Foundation! Religion is a manmade concept, and although religion may purport to be about God, God is not about religion. God is actually about science, engineering and I.T. The principal components of creation, management and data-management. The ability to create and manage life, life-form and environment, as well as gather knowledge of experience. The foundation upon which all understanding is built.
Art Of Living! Religion, as we currently know it, is very dated. Much of it is based on man's interpretation, fabrication, opinion and unproven belief. There is a concept known as life art, which is simply the art of living, honing one's being, and getting the best out of life. Some elements of life art are seen in the core fundamentals of some religions, but its importance is currently obscured by a considerable manmade mess.
ANT Religion
God's word is actually very simple, sensible and down to Earth. It is only mankind that has made a mess of it, by perverting it for his own ends and adding his own corrupted spin. ANT religion is about working together and aims to help put this right by replacing the old, out-of-tune religions with a modern, fair and verifiable code of conduct, which can fit everybody and everybody's needs. No more room for the corrupting of God's word, or for dishing out abuse in the name of God! God's word is not complicated, it is basically common sense! Everyone can relate to it, whether you believe in God, or not! And that's how it should be! Easy to understand and easy to relate to!
The Bare Bones
What religion should cover and what it should not cover...
Life Art
A refined way of living that helps get the best out of life for everyone.
God Only Knows!
If there is only one God, why are there so many different religions and different denominations within those religions and why do religions disagree on so many things? Does only God know what God really thinks...?
And God Said...
Did he really?
For God's Sake?
Is this really the word of God, or the words and thoughts of men?
Can God Be That Good?
If you ask some people why it is that they feel there is no truth in God, many will tell you that it's because of what they see other people doing in the name of religion...
What Is God?
Given that there is conscious life and that evolution is ever increasing awareness, in a universe of infinite possibilities, that which we call God could refer to a variety of concepts. Even though the real concept might currently be outside of our knowledge of experience or understanding, to totally dismiss the possibility of God's existence, in one form or another, would be naive. But, if God does exist, who or what is God?
Religion And Football
Are there lessons to be learned?
Under The Flesh Of Illusion, Lies A Skeleton Of Truth!
Science is about the way we perceive reality, religion, about the way we respond to reality - the reality we perceive, isn't always the truth, but what we believe to be the truth. There are many differing opinions, but only one truth. Bringing science and religion together will help to uncover the bones. The skeleton of truth of our existence! It is important that we get away from things that rely solely on personal faith, personal preference, archaic indoctrination and individual belief, which tend to divide and separate people into individual groups. We must deal with that which everyone can see to be the truth, and that upon which we can all agree. That which we can know and prove, and not that which we can't. Common interest and common certainty. These are the things that bind us together, and ultimately can make us realise, we are all the same and that we all have one thing in common - life. The only discrimination, and the only discernment to make, is whether you are good or bad. If you are bad, you still have time to get better! We should make use of that time while we can!
Crosstalk by Taz...
Religion vs. Common Sense
Blinded By The Light
Science and Religion
There can be no truth in religion that cannot be proven in science. Some things we may not understand as yet, but in time, this must become the case! If God is a creator, he is also a scientist, an engineer and a programmer. Science, engineering and I.T. are principal components of creation. Without an understanding in these areas, we have no ability to control our environment or our being and therefore no means of dictating what we are or what we may become. We cannot consciously create without understanding and only when we can understand can we recognise and know for sure the truth.
The Bible
Many people naturally assume the Bible is the word of God. However, although perhaps inspired by God, the Bible was not written by God, it was written by man. It is actually, therefore, the word of man, or to be more precise, the words of men. It is not necessarily therefore the word of God or even God's opinion. It is at best man's interpretation of the word of God and at worst man's own opinion of what he thinks the word of God, or God's opinion, would or should be.
The Bible is a very old book, written at the dawn of man's understanding. Perhaps now we are approaching our noon, and can see by a brighter light, it is time to bring that understanding up to date...
Brief Bible History and Overview....
Tip Bits
Useful thoughts, idioms and points of view...
A Skeleton Of Truth
A more in-depth analysis...
- If life can evolve to cope with such hostile environments here on Earth, making it all seem so easy, why isn't the universe teeming with life? Or is it?
- What motivates nature with such distinct and positive motion, allowing life to adapt and respond in a seemingly highly intelligent and positive manner to different conditions and stimulus?
- What suddenly caused monkey to turn into man?
- Who or what is God? Is mankind special? Do we have a purpose in life?
- How do we relate to this indefinable, incomprehensible thing or being, that so many believe in and so many don't?
- Why are there so many different opinions and, if this so-called God knows all the answers, as many would claim, why is the planet in such a mess?
- Mankind has now reached a point where his own knowledge and what he does with it can threaten or complement everything Nature has so far engineered. Is this the end? Or just another beginning?