A Skeleton Of Truth - The Bare Bones

Different Beliefs!

There are many things that people say in the name of religion. Some of these things cause serious problems in the world. There are many different beliefs, but only one truth. ALL religion should be in tune and of a like mind, the same mind as God! Currently, that is not the case! Religion has lost its way. To get back on track, we need to get beneath the manmade nonsense to the core fundamentals, a skeleton of truth!

What Religion Should Cover!

What Religion Should Not Cover!

More detail and explanation on the above...

Good Or Bad!

There is only one criterion, or measure, and that is whether you are good or bad. Put simply, do you leave a smile on people's faces or do you leave a trail of victims? If you are the former, you are on target, if you are the latter, you have work to do! Be nice. It's better for everyone!