A Skeleton Of Truth - What Is God?

What Is God? Is a question many of us will ask at one time or another. Whether you regard God as the Greater Overall Dynamic, the Greater Overall Democracy, the consciousness that permeates the fabric of our universe, the combination of all good spiritual energy, our spiritual Godhead or nucleus, etc., etc. One thing that God is definitely not is a mere mortal bearded old man in the sky. That is simply a metaphor for our previous childlike understanding. Now we are evolving our own technology and observing the mechanics behind our own makeup, we can begin to understand God and what God is about. The days of archaic religion, bowing down to thunder and lightening and perverse misunderstanding perpetuated in God's name are coming to a close.

Keep An Open Mind! Some people dismiss the likelihood of God because of what they see happening in God's name or because of the amount of heartbreak in this world. Reasoning that no God would allow things to be the way they are. Others think that people only want to believe in a God because they want to believe in something, or because they are afraid of dying. However, the universe is a very big place and unless we have been up there and had a good look around, and know everything there is to know, we cannot rule out the possibility of the existence of God, in one form or another, therefore, it is always worth keeping an open mind.

Boggles The Mind! There is much we don't see. For example, the air we breathe, the radio waves that enable our TV and our mobile phones, the atomic particle world, and much more besides. These are all invisible to us, outside the range of human sensors and cannot be detected without further peripheral equipment. Just a few hundred years ago we were completely unaware of all of it. The fact is, we have yet to properly understand ourselves and the microdot that we live on, never mind the rest of the universe, the sheer size and wonder of which just boggles the mind.

Science Fact? For those that choose to believe, or keep an open mind, there are clues in our history as to what God could be. Historically we are told that God is a great being of some sort. We are also told that God is a spirit. To be precise, an almighty spirit. In fact, the almighty spirit. Well, what exactly is spirit? Spirit is a fairly ancient term so perhaps nowadays we may refer to such an entity as conscious energy. Although this is a concept and possible form of life that we have yet to understand, most of us have seen Startrek at one time or another. The realms of science fiction can often gradually become science fact! It is all a question of when we reach the understanding!

Together We Become! Of late, life on Earth has become much more interesting because we now have the internet. What the internet demonstrates for us is that all together, through communication, we become something infinitely greater. Something infinitely more knowledgeable and more powerful than any single human being. By consciously directing and intelligently manipulating energy, travelling over or through a medium such as fibre optic, copper cable, or through space, we become almost God-like. And yet, this communication of energy is all invisible to us.

Log On? This linking up via intelligently manipulated energy effectively gives us access to the knowledge of all our time. All the information that we have collected and collated is instantly available to us. This combining of conscious energy through communication makes us a much more knowledgeable and powerful collective entity. What we have to bear in mind is that we on Earth have only just begun playing at this. If we were to imagine an internet on a universal scale, developed over billions of years, then it would truly be massive and all knowledgeable. Of course, we on Earth are not well behaved at the moment, but when we are, I'm sure we'll be allowed to log on.

Modular Assembly: We now know that human beings are made of trillions of tiny little individual modules - organic microchips that we call single cells, automatically assembled by a life construction programme embedded in our DNA. Single cells are remarkably sophisticated and 'intelligent' in their own right. They can be called upon to play any role in the body, multiply to order, and can replace themselves when worn or damaged. It's amazing technology, far beyond ours at the moment. But look at the vast difference between the basic module, the single cell or organic microchip, and the product of them all functioning as one entity. The human being.

Simple Principle: We exercise the principle of modular assembly or construction in our own devices. Every working machine that we construct is the product of lesser, smaller independent parts, intelligently combined to produce something more complex, more capable and more powerful. And yet the principle of modular assembly is so simple that even a child can understand it, because at it's most basic level, it is about putting one brick on top of another, on top of another, on top of another. L EGO. This principle leads to everything greater. All life and to the greater consciousness of our planet. Perhaps ultimately to that which we have come to know as God.

Personality: We now know and understand that we are basically biological machines. Sophisticated, with heart and soul, emotional, loving, caring, intelligent, but nevertheless, machines. Not like the cold, soulless and heartless machines that we make. Far far in advance of that. What is the difference? Of course, as human beings we have intelligent capability and we are built on an emotional framework or image, apparently God's image, which enables us to feel and relate to a range of emotions, but there is also another very important difference. We have personality!

Personality Construction: Personality is not only dependent on our genes, and the way we are brought up, but also on the way we choose to behave. Our behaviour is something that we have control over. How we exercise that control, and even if we can control ourselves, depends on how we are programmed, what lessons we have learnt, and our performance level. This is about personal evolution. Honing our being, raising the bar and working to get the best out of ourselves. That is, of course, if we're interested. We are all given freewill. It is up to us how we use that gift and whether we invest it wisely or whether we squander it on a wrong road.

The Container: The concept of spirit is something we usually associate with less than tangible things, such as vapour. It is also something that we tend to associate with thought, e.g., that's the spirit, spirit of thinking, etc. Thought is not a tangible thing and thoughts cannot exist by themselves. They rely on some form of medium, hardware or holding mechanism to house them. Thoughts are strings of intelligently manipulated signals, data-strings, and just as a computer relies on hardware to manipulate and store data, so do we as human beings, within the confines of our brains. Our planet as a whole is also a container for something vastly more knowledgeable, more capable and more powerful. The Earth being.

The Earth Being: The airwaves in and around Earth are full of information. Other life forms on our planet could tap into that information and communicate with us, if they knew how, but they don't. They are completely oblivious. Does our planet, the Earth being, have a combined overall personality? Yes, I suppose it does. Slightly mixed up, potentially grumpy and hostile, friendly and caring on flip side. Do we speak and behave as one being? No, not really, but that is largely due to our faults. Bad programming of the individual components, us human beings.

Cancer In Our Being: It doesn't go unnoticed that Earth is a long way short of being a Greater Overall Democracy. As a whole, we are clearly not in tune. However, if we were in tune, and working as one, it would be a very different story. Life on Earth is its own entity. However, we can also see the problems that arise when the individual parts don't get on and even turn on each other. This is cancer and our Earth being suffers from this just as we as individuals do and we will overcome this when we properly learn to get on.

All The Way Up: We can see Earth is the medium or container for humanity and now contains all of our accumulated knowledge of experience, but of course there are vastly larger mediums or containers all the way up to the container that we call our universe. Even if life on Earth was the very beginning of consciousness, and the only consciousness in our universe, our universe would now be able to claim it is conscious and self-aware and our universe would still have a microdot personality able to acknowledge and communicate with any other capable life form that came along. That life form may well regard our Earthly consciousness as a superior being, or God.

By Design: Of course it is quite clear to some that life on this planet has been engineered and that we are very obviously not the first intelligent life form in our universe. If one looks at the whole equation, where we are, what we have, and all the surrounding circumstances, there is absolutely no chance that it is anything other than engineered by design, and very clever design. There is much more to life than at first meets the eye, or that we have currently been allowed to see, but for those that are interested, we have been given substantial clues, and anyone can tune in once they realise there is a channel to tune in to.

Life Beyond? Many people simply find the concept of spiritual life too far-fetched to believe in. Consequently, they think that when our physical bodies die the lights go out and that's it. However, many people have had near death experiences that indicate just the opposite and there are many books detailing these experiences. Even people on their death bed are often visited by their departed loved ones, friends or relatives, that come to help them acclimatize and pass over peacefully when the time comes.

Different Rules: Cynics put such experiences down to the brain playing tricks, but that's because it's hard for us to understand. But then 200 years ago, so was television, computers, mobile phones and all the other technology we now take for granted. Just because we don't currently understand something, and can't see how it works, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. When you think about it, it actually makes perfect sense. After all, ultimately, we are talking about existing in and getting around space and not being tied to any one planet. Being able to withstand that environment is a whole different ball game requiring a whole different set of rules and capabilities.

Life Eternal? We are so used to our own physical bodies aging and dying or 'timing out' that it is also hard for us to imagine life eternal. Also, humanity on Earth hasn't worked out how to do it yet. But the fact is, we don't want to die. It is the life programme within us, just as in Logan's Run, that says time is up. Nevertheless, if someone said you can live forever if you want to and have lot of fun, most of us would say, what a great idea. We are already living far longer than we used to, although this planet has a limited capacity and needs to be properly and sensibly managed, however, up there, it's a different ball game altogether.

Just A Taste! But the fact is, maybe we don't have to physically live on and maybe we're not meant to, because life on Earth is simply about giving us a taste of things in order for us to learn the basics. Being able to experience examples of the good and the bad gives us some benchmarks and allows us to appreciate the difference. It also gives us the chance to choose what we would become. We should think about that choice and choose wisely because it just may be that technology far in advance of what we currently understand here on Earth is waiting just around the corner for us, together with experiences beyond our wildest dreams and imagination, but only if we are decent enough.

Conscious Energy Core: The body that we inhabit in this world is a vehicle, in fact just like a car (C A&R) enabling us to travel on the road of life and so experience this physical world. There are many things to indicate that the real core of a human being is not the brain, but something more central in the body, an energy centre of some sort, and it is something that we do not know much about as yet. Our conscious energy core. Whatever the technology is, it is extremely clever and something that is beyond our current understanding.

ID Entity: From what we currently understand, conscious energy is a remarkable modular life mechanism that is not restrained by gravity. A more suitable and durable life mechanism for existing and moving about in the ocean of space. Something that has evolved or been developed over millions, perhaps billions of years. Although we don't know much about it, there are clues. This core (C ORE) is the harvestable part of our real being and our true ID entity.

The Life Of Brain: Our organic brain is a necessary part of our physical being as it provides all of our processing power, that is our C.P.U. The brain provides an interface for all of our sensors or senses, provides memory and memory management facilities and all the necessary circuitry to operate our limbs and other bodily functions at the power of thought. What is the for the purpose of living this life on Earth? To get an education. To gather knowledge of experience. The foundation upon which our understanding is built. Life in this world enables us to gather concepts in the mind. By referring to those concepts, our knowledge of experience, we can understand and relate to things.

The Life Of Brain: The information that we have gleaned from this life that is our knowledge of experience is harvested when the physical body dies. When your time is up, just like when your car is damaged or worn out, your body goes to the scrapyard. You, the driver, go on in a vehicle something altogether different. Of course some people believe in re-in-car-nation, and the driver of the old car comes back for another life journey in a completely new car somewhere else. The reasons for this appear to be varied, however, deep hypnosis uncovers memories of past lives in some people and provides information that seems to indicate they have been here before. The world is full of mystery and things we have yet to understand.

Time To Work Things Out: Of course cynical people would decry much of this, but then many people in this world talk from a wealth of inexperience. They may have discovered the end of their nose but there is a considerable amount that lies beyond it. If you said the average age of a human on Earth was 50 years old, and it isn't quite, our current universe has been around 280 million times longer. If we said the bulk of our knowledge and understanding has been gathered and developed in the last 10,000 years, our universe has been around for 1.4 million times longer. But the truth is that the bulk of our current understanding has been developed in the last two hundred years. Since we learnt to exploit the fossil fuels that were so conveniently there in situ, along with everything else, for us to use.

Time To Work Things Out: The fact is we are only just beginning to realise and uncover the greater truths of our existence and the mechanics behind it. Some human beings adopt the attitude that if they can't understand it, or can't see it, it's not true, or it doesn't exist. However, there is plenty of evidence to the contrary and to indicate that this is not a good philosophy, so it is always better to keep an open mind unless we really do know for sure! Even then, life can be full of surprises.

Eradicating Bugs: When we are told about God, we are familiar with terms such as purity and holy spirit. Another way of looking at this in a more up to date way would be to think in terms of refining quality of our product, or software, over time. When we think in terms of thought, software, data, programming, we know that at times it is susceptible to bugs and can become corrupt. In developing a good piece of software, these faults, or bugs, have to be eradicated so as to make the software work properly and reliably. We as individuals are of course no different and eradicating our faults and bugs enables us to try and achieve some purity of being. Many humans on Earth are badly infected with malware.

Personal Evolution: Helping us to achieve this refinement was partly the intended core province of religion. However, religions have become seriously perverted by ignorant men that many have lost sight of this. PE, or personal evolution, is about trying to become a better person, raising the bar and getting fit. Some human beings are so unfit and badly contaminated, that they cannot be trusted on any level to be a positive and useful component in anything. Our planetary cancer, where individual people are fighting and killing each other, is all because of bad programming. People are infected with malware.

No Room! We could ALL rise above this bad behaviour if we should so choose, by refining our being and eradicating the bugs. However, at the moment bad attitude is rife. There is no room for this kind of behaviour or mentality in any refined civilization and allowing any component part that behaves like this into a decent refined society would contaminate it and ruin it for everyone else. This is why there has to be a line drawn. But there is no person than cannot make the grade and get over the that line if they should so choose to do so.

Always! There is much we don't know about our universe at present, but one thing we think we are beginning to understand of late is that empty space is not exactly empty at all. It appears to have much more substance than its name implies. We can't see it and we don't know what it is, and so we call it dark matter. The greater part of our universe is made up of this dark matter and yet it's completely invisible to us at present. Then there is dark energy. Another currently unfathomable phenomenon. There is always more for us to uncover and always more to life than meets the eye and it's is always worth us remembering that!

Invisible Network: Human beings are generally excepting of things such as wireless internet, mobile phones and bluetooth nowadays because we know it works and we understand roughly what is going on. Nevertheless, some people are still very dismissive of God and spiritual life because we don't see it and don't know how it works. However, the amount of programming code in a mobile phone is infinitesimally small compared to the amount of programming code in a human being. The electronics in a mobile phone is also archaically primitive compared to the bio-electronics of a human being. Life is very complicated, and that's just the bits we can see. There may well be an invisible communications network connecting all life that we can all tune into. Would that be so hard to understand? Perhaps, if we ask, we will find some answers!

Revelations? One way or another we can perhaps consider God as the consciousness that permeates the fabric of our universe. However, exactly what that means, the expanse involved, what it constitutes, and how we would explain the mechanism scientifically, is just a little beyond our understanding at the moment. Not to say it will be for much longer. The last two hundred years has seen mankind's understanding take an exponential leap of a magnitude not experienced by us before. That exponential leap is still ongoing at a significant rate. What we will therefore uncover in the next two hundred years remains to be seen, but no doubt, as of the recent past, it will have its fair share of very significant revelations, as yet invisible, from where we currently stand!