"What, if the unthinkable happened, would it be like in your corner of Britain?"
"It's got to come, something's got to happen, hasn't it!? You can't stop progress!"
"You're just going to have people scavenging again, like they show on the films now, you're just going to have people running about like animals all the time, so they're not going to work anyway, are they!?"
"We're now talking about 38 million dead, and about 4 million seriously injured."
"How many dead?" "38 million!"
"Well Britain's a small country, most of the military installations are next to towns, and with nuclear weapons it's impossible to hit one without damaging the other!"
"The main immediate cause of death after a nuclear explosion, is the blast wave! No one in a house near the centre of the explosion, can escape death!"
"Soviet missiles are targeted on military and key industrial installations, the pattern of attack they would select, would involve 342 warheads, totalling 219 million tons of TNT This is the lowest level of attack we can expect! The Home Office does not dispute that an attack of this scale is well within the bounds of possibility!"
"The cruise missile is 21 feet long, 20 inches wide, and weighs in at 3,000 pounds!"
"I don't believe they're the deterrent they're made out to be, how can you have peace and destruction at the same time!?"
"Why is it that all the targets seem to be around towns, is that a deliberate targeting assumption?"
"An attack like this, would kill off 8 out of 10 Londoners!"
"I mean to say, you've got survivors, how would you feed them?"
"Well Minister, some people think that all those statements about civil defence, amount to a con!"
"The most wide spread danger from nuclear explosions, is fallout!"
"A huge band of destruction, stretching right up the centre of the country!"
"You put your head between your knees, and you kiss something goodbye!"
"With increasing accuracy, this became possible, so nuclear strategy shifted to what's called 'counter force', threatening military rather than civilian targets, missiles aiming at missiles. The big defect with this, as far as deterrents go, is that you both know that whoever attacks first, has the best chance of winning!"
"Nobody quite meant it to turn out this way!"
"Something the scientists have only just glimpsed, the nuclear winter."
"For months, there would be a dark, cold and deadly nuclear winter."
"And the extreme cold, persistent, day, night, weeks, months on end, would put an end to virtually all the vegetation, and the landscape, right around us here, would be more akin to what you see in Northern Greenland, Alaska, Siberia!"
"Talk of winning or even surviving a nuclear war is a nonsense! The worse the nuclear nightmare gets, the deeper the divisions on how to stop it becoming a reality!"
"As far as we know, the earth is the only place in the universe where there is life..."
"Its continued survival, now, rests in our hands!"