Woman, life, freedom, the wonders of this world
Don’t take them away, let them be heard
God gave us this life, for us to enjoy
Let people have their time, do not destroy
Don’t take them away, don’t impose your will
You should (must) not interfere, with other people’s lives
Don’t spoil the thrill
It’s no one right to bully, or push people around
It’s no one right to harm, or tread the people down
We don’t like injustice; because it isn’t right
And no one wants to feel the shame, when you stand before the light
Let women have their say, let women have their way
Let women have their own lives to live
Let them enjoy their day, let them enjoy their day
We want people to be happy, we want people to have fun
So please don’t spoil party, as you stand behind a gun
Let people have their freedom, and let their will be done
Let people do what they want to do, if they’re not hurting anyone
Woman, life, freedom, it’s everything to us
So please don’t spoil the kingdom, by making such a fuss
Don’t spoil it for people, don’t spoil this life on Earth
Woman, life, freedom, freedom, don’t you know their worth?
Don’t you know their worth?
Let them be, let them be free
Hear what they say, and have their way
Don’t bully, end the tyranny
Let them decide, let them have their pride