They say this world is no great shakes
Yes, I see we've made mistakes
I see so many things are wrong
What have we done to this beautiful place?
This sanctuary in the darkness of space
Just because we won't get along
We have been given everything, its wonder and beauty all in
We don't really need for a thing, cos we have it all
No one could ever ask for more
We don't have to spoil it with all of this war
We don't have to fight, we can have a ball
Or do we love our guns, more than our sons?
We don't mind sacrificing our younger ones
And do we love to fight, more than is right
We don't mind sacrificing our second sight
We don't mind setting our world alight
And the arms' dealers, just like smack dealers
Fill the world with their poison
For a cheap fix, and a cheap buck, they're trashing lives
Flooding the world with their guns and muck
They taketh the money but don't give a fuck
Of how many lives, their wares have laid to ruin
And those guns fall into the wrong hands
And those guns invade our homelands
And they dish out death, and they take the breath of the innocent
In the classroom, on the street and the battlefield
I wonder how many people they've killed?
As they provide the means for those who are hell bent