International Affairs

Heads & Tails, The Two Faces Of Russia And Of Humanity!
Heads: Dmitry Muratov, a journalist who tries to promote peace, truth and democracy. He wins the Nobel Peace Prize, but is devastated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the what Russia has now become. With his magazine shut down, and effectively silenced by the new 'laws' and a number of his work colleagues already assassinated by the current regime, he wonders what he can now do to help. He decides to auction his Nobel Prize on behalf of the victims of the Ukraine war. It raises 103.5 million dollars to help towards their plight.

Tails: Vladimir Putin, the current president and the cause of all the problems. Someone who lies through his teeth and has embezzled billions from his own people. A man who doesn't believe in freedom, freedom of speech, or democracy and can't stand criticism, it seems. He locks anyone up who speaks out against him, or has them killed. He thinks nothing of sacrificing the lives of human beings, women and children amongst them, and has been the direct cause of the deaths of thousands of innocent people. Innocent people who just wanted a quiet life.

Everybody Pays! It's not just the shattered and lost lives, the people displacement, the heartbreak and misery! Everybody pays the price of war. The cost of the weapons, the rebuilding of lands, the increased cost of food and logistics. One has to wonder what a different world, how much nicer and better it would be for everyone, if Russian opposition leader and anti-corruption campaigner, Alexei Navalny had been 'allowed' to get in and manage the country, instead of being murdered by Putin and his evil regime. After all, we could all be friends having a great time. Instead, what have we got?

Heads or T ails? The heads and the tails. The two faces of not just Russia, but of every country and of humanity itself. The very reasons as to why there is Heaven and why there is Hell! Mankind has been creating Hell on Earth for many years and it's now getting hotter! We should by now, be putting our emphasis in the right places - heads. However, the current trend is with a rise in animalistic traits and bad behaviour - tails. Can we rise above the animals, that is, lose our T ails? Do we want to work towards guaranteeing some evolved and civilised stability for our future, or do we leave it to chance? Can we even give a toss? It's our call!

Russia's Invasion Of Ukraine:
Recent events have shocked the world and set us back 50 years or more, to a time we thought we had largely left behind. All because of one man. This tragic and immoral happening, ordered by a leader of a nation, underlines the situation mankind is now in and how, if we want to survive on this planet, we have to answer the 'one' question and change our social attitude and management structure right across the globe!

Crosstalk by Taz...
The 'One' Question

Indonesia? No Way!
In recent times, it has been very obvious that the world has lost the plot (even more than usual), due to idiots in charge. Idiots in charge who are so far up themselves that they think THEY have the right to tell others how to live their lives in personal matters. Worse that, they think they have the right to punish those who do not obey. The latest from Indonesia is that sex before, or outside of marriage, is now banned and anyone not obeying this ridiculous 'law' can be sent to prison for a year. You couldn't make it up could you! This applies to indigenous people and visitors alike. I certainly feel for the poor people that live there and would suggest anyone else crosses this place off of their holiday destination list, unless of course they're celibate. Dec 6th, 2022

Afghanistan - Her At / He Rat
The situation women find themselves in, as a result of the behaviour of the men now in charge in Afghanistan, is succinctly summed up in the name of the place of some of the worst offending - Herat. Thugs and bullies running around with rifles, beating, abusing, bullying and incarcerating the weaker sex for so-called 'immoral crimes'. Immoral crimes? Yes, daring to go out without a male escort. How dare they! And how ridiculous these people are! Such gross behaviour is often associated with screwed-up religion, as those in charge like to blame God for the disgusting and unsavoury way they behave. As most decent people can work out, such retarded and cruel behaviour has nothing to do with God. In fact, I don't know what these misguided and inadequate human beings will have to say when the time comes and they have to face the truth of what they are, and what they have done. I wouldn't want to be in their shoes. God didn't give everyone freewill for others to glibly take it away. In fact, God doesn't like to ban anything, except bad behaviour that imposes itself on others and makes their lives a misery. The Taliban are an absolute disgrace and fall right into that category! These people are thugs and bullies, not allowing people to do what they want to do, and even worse picking on women and even young girls, preventing them from being educated. Perhaps these retarded people in charge should try getting educated themselves, and NOT try and keep our world in the land that time forgot.

A major problem with religion is people, who think they're superior, making up their own idiotic rules and then blaming it on God, as if it something that God would support. God is seriously disappointed with religion, and that is an understatement. He is especially disappointed with the individuals that bully and oppress women in his name. These people, if they do not change, will find they're heading for a very uncomfortable experience, just like the experiences they forcefully and unjustly impart on others. Time to wake up! Time to grow up!

T Ali Ban: In God's message to mankind, T symbolizes truth, the totality and the infusion of all things. The brew! T also symbolizes the T junction and the CHOICE to go one way or the other. No individual has the right to take that choice away from another, or ban anything, in matters that are strictly the choice of an individual, regardless of a person's gender. Ali was the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammad and the first person to convert to Islam. I wonder would he agree with this backward, vicious and unfair behaviour? I personally don't think God does!

Leaders Of Nations
The prime job of leaders of nations, or any leaders, is to look after the people and the planet. If they can't, or won't do this, they will always cause problems for the ordinary people. People in charge are supposed to be there to serve the people that pay they wages, however, these positions themselves often attract the kind of people that are simply not fit for purpose. It is apparent that many don't have the necessary understanding, as they behave in a morally-deficient way.

Leaders are supposed to set a good example and encourage the best from their people. They are supposed to be doing right thing by people and planet and not causing problems in the world. However, this often isn't the case. Against the will of the people, the people often get dragged into conflict as result of one person in charge behaving badly. When you get one person behaving badly, those around him also think it is ok to behave in such a fashion.

Terrorism - What's The Problem?
Some people think they can change the world, by destroying people’s lives...

Crosstalk by Taz...

We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists - The Error In Terror

Butt Out Britain!
Haven't we all had enough of Britain poking its nose into other people's countries and affairs around the world and making a complete mess of things? Answer, yes! For such a small country, we've certainly caused some big problems in the world. From the British Empire and colonialism, through slavery and partition, to Northern Ireland, the invasion of Iraq and the spawning of ISIS, this country and those in charge, have been responsible for the death, misery, exploitation and displacement of millions of human beings. Everywhere we have been we have caused problems that have reverberated long after. Of course, we're not the only ones! The sooner mankind learns to stop interfering in the lives of others and in other's countries, the sooner we may all look forward to some peace on Earth!

It's not just the UK that is bulging at the seams. Other countries are also suffering from the ramifications of an over-abundance of immigrants. People searching for a better life and perhaps a better wage. You can't blame people for that. However, in many places, especially where the relevant governments do not properly look after their own first, these additional influxes are causing resentment which leads to social tension, an increase in right wing extremism, and often violence. To prevent these problems from arising, at some point we must begin to put emphasis on helping to put things right and improve conditions in the countries that people are fleeing from. We can't invite everybody to live over here, or anywhere else, but we can improve conditions across the globe, so everyone can benefit from the modern age, not just the select countries.

Ludicrous Europe?
Many people feel that it is way past time that we got away from the 'ludicrous elements' of being associated with Europe. We see many instances in our society of people from afar making decisions and implementing rules with which the local people (who have to put up with such rules) do not agree, and have no say in the outcome. There is nothing wrong with implementing good ideas which have everyone's approval. Anything that improves life has got to be a good thing, as I'm sure most would agree. However, unfortunately this is not always seen to be the case and such 'bad' decisions just leave people feeling frustrated and lower the quality of a person's living. Nothing should be implemented which does not have the approval of the majority of people. That is the principle of a democratic system, something that still we patently have not.

A European Union? Maybe! A Common Market? Definitely Not!
Why are consumers forced to pay more for goods in the UK than others do in Europe? Why are we part of the European Community and told to abide by the rules and expect the same treatment when it suits you but do not get equal treatment in return? It is always the poor and the already hard pressed that are paying the price, those that can least afford it, while the people with all the resources have no problem at all. We know governments have to balance the books and that can't be easy, however, so do we! People in this country often have to pay through the nose, whereas things are considerably cheaper in Europe. Sometimes it seems to us as though we get all the disadvantages of being in the E.U. and none of the benefits. A European Union it may be, but a common market it is definitely not! There should be equality in Europe and people in this country should reap some advantages as well as the disadvantages.

A union is a coming together, yes, such a marriage, a family, a band, a football team, in fact any kind of team. Being part of a team means we work together, help each other, care about, and consider each other, however, we must still have personal independence and autonomy and some say in any situation. A pledge to work together and help each other is not a license for dictators from afar to interfere, impose and walk all over people with things that we find distasteful and unhelpful, and in some cases, positively backward.

War - Is such a good thing?
If war is not such a good thing, why do we do it?

Crosstalk by Taz...

War Is Hell! So Why Do We Do It?
Just A Cold War - But So Nearly A Nuclear Winter!
The Wall - A Mark Of Respect For The Psychological Damage Of War!
The Root Of All Problems - The Road To Hell?

Idiots And Lunatics
The idiots and lunatics that take charge of this world and mess it up for the ordinary people, may think they are powerful, with their armies and their weapons, however, as we know the power of all mankind is nothing compared to that of nature. As individuals, such people can only exercise their crimes with the backing of the ordinary people, who pay the bills for the war and their weapons and provide the pawns for their armies. War actually achieves nothing except destruction, suffering and debt for the ordinary people. However, it is for the ordinary people of this world to realise this and stop giving their backing to the idiots and lunatics.
War - Some Facts and Figures

Norway: Breaking Up Families
There are some backward countries in this world but you would necessarily include the Scandinavian countries amongst them. However, ripping children away from their parents and their parental home and forcing them into care of the state because a parent has smacked their child to instil some discipline beggars belief. Who do these people think they are as they blunder along trashing both parent's and children's lives in the process?