The 'ONE' Question - Part 1

How Can This Be? The recent example of sheer selfish, irresponsible and criminal behaviour we have seen, expressed by a leader of a nation in invading Ukraine, absolutely underlines why things need to change in this world. You could visit all the jails on Earth and you would be hard-pressed to find a worse example of a human being than Vladimir Putin. He never tells the truth. He doesn't stick to his word. He kills people that criticize him, or speak out against him. Locks people up that don't agree with him. He runs a protection racket at the highest level, being bribed and bought off by oligarchs with huge sums of money, and he’s stolen incalculable billions from his own people, and yet, this man is in charge of a superpower. How can this be?

The Question Of One? It is the classic story of mankind and perhaps, because of where we are, the most dangerous example yet. Hence the reluctance of the others to stand up to this man. However, perhaps there is little option. For the sake of this planet and its inhabitants, he, and people like him, cannot be allowed to just run riot. Lying through their teeth to set people against people, ordering humans to kill each other and destroy infrastructure. And for what? To satisfy one man's ego or warped perspective? Life is not a game. It is a serious business and it should not be belittled. Nor should the responsibility of leadership. Leaders are supposed to look after people and care for our planet! We have to ask ourselves if we are happy to STILL be in a position where just one man can create so much mess? Where just one man is able to order so much death and destruction and affect the well-being and destiny of so many people. More to point, hold the planet to ransom and potentially cause its destruction! The answer to that is obviously no! And yet, here we are! One man, who obviously doesn't care about anyone except himself, is shattering, disrupting and threatening the lives of nearly 8 billion people. All of this, due to problems in ONE man's head!

Ripples: On top of all the issues humanity has recently had with Covid 19, Mr Putin, who has plenty of money, also thinks it's ok to jeopardise the financial framework and stability of the whole planet, meaning the further potential suffering of millions of people and the damaging of global prosperity and unity. He and his accomplices have done all of this using a litany of blatant lies as an ‘excuse’, misleading their own people and shutting down other news channels, to prevent people from knowing the real truth and locking people up for telling the truth! This is human malware corrupting our global operating system at the highest level. The decisions made by this grossly irresponsible man, will badly affect everyone on this planet. Not just those who he kills, maims and displaces, but the millions who are already living on the breadline, who will be forced into further depravation, poverty and misery, as the ripples from this war spread out around the globe. Epidemic price rises and unavailability of supplies means many people will suffer and go without. But, that's alright, because Vladimir Putin will still get fed and be kept warm!

They Wouldn't Like It! Apart from the self-inflicted death and destruction, there is no doubt that this immoral and irresponsible act has inflicted tremendous sadness and psychological upset on billions of people. People who would rather be living in a safer world. It has put the world back 50 years or more, to a time we thought, or hoped perhaps, we had been able to consign to history. Now we have been reminded. It only takes one selfish idiot and now everyone is again feeling less secure and talking about spending more money on weapons. Money that costs the ordinary people, lowers the standard of living for the ordinary people and threatens the lives of the ordinary people. And on that note, Mr Putin also thinks it’s appropriate to threaten the world with nuclear weapons, to try and get his own way. In this modern world, that has everything we need, regardless of who we are, or where we come from, do we really want people in charge behaving like this? Of course, some people support him. Some governments refuse to speak out against him and some help to spread the verbal slurry that comes out of his mouth. However, you can rest assured, they wouldn’t like it if it was happening to them and their country!

The Animal Way: People that support Vladimir Putin are morally no better than he is and it is very apparent that there is a lot of work to do in this world to try and encourage those in charge to behave accordingly. If those who lead cannot behave properly, how can we expect others to do so. Is there any hope, when the ordinary people see such low-grade examples of humanity in positions of considerable responsibility at the highest levels? Such people worm their way into power, dig in like ticks and choose to try and dominate, ruling by fear, intimidation and violence. This is the primitive way, the animal way, and human beings, should by now, be knowing better. Especially those in charge. The fact that people in such positions do not know how to behave properly, has caused considerable problems in this world and lowers our standard of living right across the globe. It also now threatens the future survival of this planet and its people. Such undesirable people also influence others, encouraging bad behaviour to spread. Putin is morally diseased! He is infected with malware and he spreads that malware to other people he comes into contact with. He is certainly not fit to lead and he behaves more like an animal than someone you can look up to. He probably wouldn't understand that, but his victims do!

No Difference: We should by now be understanding that most of our problems in this world are all in our heads. There is no difference in human beings, except for what we are programmed with (unless you want to fall out over personal preference, shape or colour, like some idiots). We should by now be focussing on the common enemy, that is the real enemy. That which affects us all, regardless of who we are or where we are from. And we need leaders of nations who properly understand this. We need leaders who understand that Earth is a global community – one organism, not intended to be ruled or dominated by any single cell. Regardless of who it is. In fact, we have just been reminded of the importance of working as one, to defeat a common enemy, in the form of Covid-19. And yet, Mr Putin, who is ironically purportedly frightened and scared of Covid-19, is quite happy to inflict all of these additional problems and death on millions of ordinary innocent people. People who have done nothing to him!

No Better: Unfortunately, for as much as we may decry Mr Putin for doing what he is doing, we in the West have been no better! And we're not talking ancient history. Just a little while ago, we in the West were doing exactly the same thing. Going to war and invading someone else’s land, based on lies. A war that resulted in the shattering of many lives, the deaths and displacement of millions of people, as well as the inception and birth of Islamic State. A nightmare genie, that once out of the bottle, ran riot, infecting many people, costing many lives and causing considerable additional heartache and misery. Influence from that evil spirit, that pillaged, raped, tortured and murdered, even found its way back to these shores and caused the loss of even more innocent people, women and young children amongst them. People that had absolutely no say in that decision to go to war. People who were likewise, made to pay because of decisions made by untrustworthy leaders of nations who had lied to them for the purpose of 'justifying' their aggression.

Go To Part 2 >>
Crosstalk by Taz: March 2022