The 'ONE' Question - Part 2

The Ordinary People: The fact is, we really do need people in charge who can be trusted, right across the globe. Yes, that is a big ask isn’t it, because, do they even exist amongst those that put themselves forward to lead and those who worm their way into power? I don’t know! But the people in charge set the example. When such corrupting malware is affecting decisions and behaviour at the highest of levels, the infection works its way down, corrupting the whole nation. We've seen it all before and now we're seeing it again. The malevolent software in Vladimir Putin's head has caused problems for people for years and has now resulted in a war. And let’s make no mistake, war affects everyone, not just those in the thick of it. It is always the ordinary people that pay the price of war. It is always the ordinary people that are expected to fight the war. It is the ordinary people that die in the war. The ordinary people that get displaced and the ordinary people that go without. Oh yes, and the ordinary people that pay the bill. However, funnily enough, it is never the ordinary people that start the war!

A Quiet Life: The fact is, the ordinary people just want a quiet life. Some security in life, food in the cupboard, somewhere to live, energy to function and keep warm, perhaps a holiday once a year and a job to pay for it. These are the basic nuts and bolts of everyday life and people management, and yet those that lead fail dismally in these departments, as they line their own pockets, create unnecessary problems in the world and expect the ordinary people, who really do just want that quiet life, to then pick up the tab and all the pieces. Putting it back together again, and again, and again, and again! Humankind must find a way of to stop idiots in charge herding the ordinary people into war! We don't want it. We don't need it! And we've had enough of it! We must have people in charge who properly understand this and not idiots, who behave like petulant children, thugs and bullies!

The Land That Time Forgot: The quality of leadership is absolutely crucial. It is not only the fact that we look up to our leaders to set an example, it is also that our leaders can dish out orders, causing actions that people do not agree with and are not happy to go along with. This is how decent people get herded into difficult situations. No one man should be able to take a nation to war, with all the cost and sacrifice that that entails. Especially when one man can quite easily lose the plot and there is no way of stopping him. It's not a very clever situation to be in. We must get away from this situation where any one person can make ridiculous decisions that literally kill thousands of people, destroy people's homes and infrastructure and, ultimately, can threaten the planet and all of its inhabitants. And we must move away from this understanding that some of our leaders have, that they are entitled to rule by fear and brutal intimidation, like some archaic dinosaur. A concept that should be duly consigned to where it belongs, in the realms of the land that time forgot!

Of The Highest Order: Of course, this doesn’t solve the problem of lies and of leaders lying through their teeth, to try and achieve their ends and get their own way. When such lies result in the death and displacement of others, those responsible should rightly be held accountable, and not allowed to get away with it. Funny that this doesn’t always seem to be the case. I wonder why? If your lies, the decisions you make, and the actions you take, are responsible for death, destruction, displacement, heartache and misery, of not just a few, but thousands of people, that makes you a murderer. Not just an ordinary murderer, but a very significant mass-murderer, of the highest order. Should anyone be allowed to get away with that? Well, they do, don't they!

Shame! It’s a shame that Vladimir Putin is like he is and it’s a shame that we haven't had the courage to stand up to this man, who is just a child in his head and a classic playground bully. Stamping his feet and threatening people to try and get his own way. Quite content to cause heartache and misery, murder women and children, and sacrifice his own people as well as the people of Ukraine. And what for? To try and win a few more squares on the board. And at what cost to humanity? He has the biggest country as it is, and he still wants more. What the matter with the man? For what he has done, he should hang his head in shame! And so should we! We should have helped Ukraine more than have. Putin broke the law when he decided to break into Crimea and stole it like a common thief. The clue is in the name - Crime. He and his misguided cronies have been up to no good for years, even online. As we knew this was coming and we should have warned Putin off and been better prepared. If we had been, he wouldn’t, or couldn't, have tried it on.

Live Together? We could have invited Ukraine into NATO, that’s what they wanted. Protecting innocent people from tyrants and murderers is a humanitarian moral obligation and we could have saved the considerable tragedy that people in Ukraine are suffering, and the negative impact the rest of the world now faces. And we should all be aware that a nuclear confrontation, and that’s what we would be talking about, if Putin wanted to take things further, would be catastrophic, and no better for Russia than for anyone else. It would certainly be certain suicide for him and his cronies, and their friends and familes, just like for everyone else. Even if he survived such an exchange, he and his puppets would have to understand they wouldn’t be increasing the size of his empire, it would be diminishing to the size of an underground bunker. As he’s supposedly scared of Covid-19, he would certainly find that thought a little daunting, I’m sure!

The ‘ONE’ Question! The bottom line is, we have to we have to deal with the tyrants in this world who think they can rule by fear and brutal intimidation, killing or locking up people that don't agree with them. The tyrants who walk all over people and continually mess things up for the ordinary people. The troublemakers and the aggressors who may otherwise risk everything we have worked for. Do we want to destroy our planet, or allow one man to be in a position where he is able to do just that? Because this is where we are, and this is what we are talking about. Everyone on this planet needs to understand this! There is no going back, and if we want to go forward, we have to grow up and behave responsibly, like adults. We need responsible leaders and we must learn to live as a sensibly managed global community. MAC, rather than MAD. Mutually assured cooperation, rather than mutually assured destruction! Ultimately, it all comes down to the one question. Do we want to live together, or do we want to die together? Live as one, or die as one? The ‘ONE’ question! It is that simple!