The Spice Of Life, Or Death? - Part 5

Not To Be Sniffed At: The real issue is that some people want it, and some people don't want them to have it. So, who is right? Until we properly sort this problem out like grownups, recognising and taking into consideration people's wishes and fundamental human rights, we fight a continual and futile war. And the drug war is literally that. In Mexico alone, hundreds of people, including many youngsters, are killed every week in actual gun battles. Although the numbers are meagre by comparison, people also die from the gang rivalry here in the UK. They also die from the lack of education, the lack of quality control, and from the poison that hits streets to fill the void of unavailability of what should be a properly managed situation. Failure to address this problem costs lives and those in charge, globally speaking, are responsible for this, as well as wasting inordinate amounts of public money, simply because they don't understand and manage this situation in a moral and acceptable fashion. In the UK, we currently spend 10 billion a year on chasing our tail, persecuting people to try and stop them doing what THEY want to do. As well as saving this money, if we were shrewd, we could capitalise and make a further 10 billion a year. Maybe even double that. Possibly another 100 to 200 billion pounds for the government over the next five to ten years? A very significant amount of money; not to be sniffed at, when we are struggling to feed people and heat their homes. A substantial reward for doing things properly and morally perhaps?

STOP DOING IT! Our politicians like us to think they are being fair and responsible, as they persecute and harass people to try and bully and bludgeon them into 'doing as they are told'. We see this kind of oppressive and controlling behaviour all over the world. Especially from the more backward nations. However, it is NOT the way forward, and it is NOT the way of the future for any evolved society. We have to understand that it simply isn't fair, morally sound, or right, to persecute and punish people for having a different opinion, belief, or lifestyle choice and we need to STOP DOING IT! We can also hardly consider ourselves responsible when we are literally squandering billions of pounds of public money on such immoral activities, whilst at the same time, through our own ignorance, making things worse by adding to crime, unnecessary death and all the other related problems. When you set yourselves up, telling people you know better than they do, and you're fit to be in charge, you need to be setting a good example. When you start behaving like thugs and bullies to enforce an immoral opinion that so many people don't agree with, you're walking a very dubious and distasteful line. Far too much of it in this world! After all, who wants to be like the Taliban!

Impact? It is true to say that some paths people take in life can impact very negatively on others. Society, therefore, has a responsibility to try and mitigate such negative impact. When it comes to controlled substances, this is especially true of drugs such as heroin and crack-cocaine. The addictive craving that results from taking these particular drugs causes people to steal from others to try and relieve their symptoms. This is why drugs such as these should not be encouraged and why people need to be educated at an appropriate age, so they don't fall into the trap. It is also why people who have fallen into the unfortunate trap should be helped, by being given what they need; meaning that they don't have to impact others in society by stealing from them. Nobody wants to be robbed or burgled by a drug addict and this type of crime can be prevented with a simple change of tactic; providing addicts with what they need. This will reduce their suffering and the chance of dying through contamination or inconsistency. It will also help to dry up unregulated supply lines and eliminate other criminal activities, such as county-lines operations and death related to drug-gang rivalry. It will also reduce the chances of young people getting dragged into the equation and alleviate pressure on the police and judicial system resources. Plusses all round! Again, what's not to like!

Cost Implication? There are many things to do in life that are good fun and that don't hurt anyone else. But, this is not to say that they don't impact on anyone else. As we've already noted, alcohol and obesity, both have a significant impact on society. Even playing football can result in a broken leg. It means you can't work or go to school and you have be treated in hospital. There is a cost implication. In some instances, such as motorsport, you may well be sailing closer to the edge, pushing the parameters and sometimes we do come a cropper. Riding a motorbike on the race track, like many things we do in life, can and does result in death and injury. Every year, people die in the Isle of Man TT, but we accept this and so do those who participate. Many adventure sports and pastimes can and do result in people getting into difficulty and needing to be helped or rescued. However, we do not persecute people for enjoying themselves in these areas and we do not turn our back on them when they need help; even though there is a cost implication. Generally, we accept the right of people to choose for themselves in such instances, as there is no involuntary victim in the equation. However, note that this cannot always be said about alcohol. Out of all pastimes, drinking alcohol has the highest anti-social, abuse, crime and cost implication to society, by far; even though it is perfectly legal!

Danger Attached: Much of what we do in life depends on good fortune and, very significantly, common sense. Society could definitely do with propagating and encouraging more common sense in all of us, starting in schools. Getting the best out of people is an art and something we are currently far from achieving in this world. Governments and authorities currently think that life is all about controlling people. In actual fact, it's much better to get people to suitably control themselves. This means giving people a basic understanding of right and wrong and getting them to recognise the importance of doing the right thing. In IT terms, it means loading them with the appropriate software and accurate data. A good understanding, not full of bugs or misinformation. It is important that people know how to wipe their own backsides and when to do it. After all, you can't be behind everyone all the time. There is danger attached to many things we do in life and there are plenty of casualties, but we don't make all such things illegal. Sensible and safe drug experiences are an internal adventure, as opposed to an external one. The spice of life doesn't have to be the spice of death, but it does depend on society being responsible and on educating people with accurate and reliable data. It is important to know the truth of what you can and can't do. It is no good promoting untruthful parrot-like nonsense that people cannot believe in and see to be untrue. This just muddies the whole picture and adds to all the problems we see.

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Crosstalk by Taz: May 2023