The Spice Of Life, Or Death? - Part 6

Help To Lead The Way! If we want to manage things responsibly, as with anything we do in life, we must make sure that people have a good understanding and good equipment. We must also make sure they have help to avoid doing the wrong thing. However, previous methods having failed dismally, we are far from achieving this at present. If we want to do better, society itself needs to adopt a new approach. For a start, we must stop persecuting people for lifestyle choice. It's immoral, it's criminal, and we shouldn't be doing it. Let people do what they want do, if they're not hurting anyone else. It is that simple! We must allow people to have their freewill and the right to choose for themself. They will respect you much more for it. Ultimately, you can't live everyone's life for them and you can't tell people what to do. They have to work it out for themselves, and that is their right. However, IF we care, we can help people with sensible education and good advice, and of course, leading by example. However, you won't get respect from people if you're own behaviour doesn't deserve it. When bad behaviour comes from those in charge, it sets a very bad example and does nothing to improve our world; quite the reverse. We must change the world for the better through fairness, education and good example, and we can do our significant bit towards that in the UK and help to lead the way!

Not Your Right! We all tend to judge by our own standards and benchmarks. Those standards are defined as a result of our own personal experiences. A massive part of this is our upbringing and our education. The information we are fed, or led to believe. This varies immensely, depending on where we are born and the culture surrounding us. Complications from men's religions and screwed up ideas of what men think God wants, or how different men think we should behave in the name of God, do not help. People in this world are literally groomed from birth to accept all sorts of nonsense and abuse. At some point, we need to properly address all of this. Once you start dictating and trying to control people and people's abilities to do certain things, or mould them to be a certain way, or prevent them from doing what THEY want to do, where exactly do you draw the line? Some people think it is inappropriate for girls to be educated. Some people think it is wrong to be gay, drink alcohol, smoke a joint, listen to music, go out without a chaperone, use a condom, or save a life with a blood transfusion. Others believe children should be sexually mutilated. By all means, have your own opinion, even an uneducated or bigoted one. That is your right. However, it is not your right, or anyone else's, to impose it on others. Even if YOU think you are doing it for God!

Prejudice: There are many diverse opinions in this world. Sometimes opinions are wholly unhealthy, and we see the unfortunate effect of many of these on our planet and on the ordinary people, who suffer badly at the hands of the people enforcing them. Often simply thugs and bullies. Opinions can be a long way from the actual truth. They can also be a long way from what is right. Unhealthy opinions can also influence others who come into contact with them, making them feel that such behaviour is acceptable and perversely, even right. It is a fact that bad behaviour infects other people. Just like a virus, human beings are susceptible to infection in their thinking. Malware! It gets into people's heads and affects their behavioural software, causing them to become prejudice, oppressive and even murderous. They then behave to the detriment of others, who become the targets and the victims of such prejudice and the resultant persecution. It can even become fashionable to behave badly, as others get 'influenced', spurred on and herded to join in, often just following the orders and examples set by those around them. Again, the quality of leadership is paramount and we see what happens when wrong-thinking individuals get into power, influence others, and the resultant ill-effects on humanity, or certain groups of humanity. It only takes one badly diseased individual to start a pandemic!

Trade Off: Being realistic, taking drugs or medication of any sort, legal or otherwise, will have ramifications or side effects of some sort, so it's important to know what you're doing. The side effects of some drugs should rule them out completely, however, criminal circles have no morals. Even when legally prescribed, there is danger. Many people think that because something is legal it is safe and ok to take. However, this is far from the case and many in today's world have a problem with opiate addiction, due to doctors prescribing opiate-based pain killers. With recreational drugs that are relatively safe to use, as with alcohol, sugar, nicotine and gambling, the choice must be down to the individual. With anything we do in life, there is innevitably a trade-off of some sort. Pros and cons. Positives gained at the expense of negatives. Cakes and sweets can make you fat, gambling makes you poorer, so does drinking, smoking and having a girlfriend. If you want to drink, you may suffer hangovers and perhaps premature death. If you want to smoke, you may also suffer premature death, and those around you have to suffer you not smelling very nice. Riding a motorcycle makes you 50 times more likely to get injured or killed on the road than driving a car. It's a risk. So is life! The answer is education and not being OTT. It doesn't completely eliminate danger, and one can think of many examples where accidents still happen. You can quite easily die climbing a mountain, and many people do every year, however, it doesn't stop people wanting to have a go. People must be allowed to decide for themselves what they want to do and if they feel the trade-off or risk is worth it. What a person feels at one point in their life may not be the same as they feel at another, but whatever the case, it is crucially important that people are properly educated with the actual truth, rather than the uneducated spin that those with hidden agendas and bigoted, backward, or ignorant views like to impose on us. The world needs to move on!

Massive Problem! In a decent and well-managed society, we should be doing the best we can to keep everyone happy. We should not be doing things that upset people. As human beings, we like to choose our own path in life. That should be everyone's right. However, all over this planet we have people trying to stop people from doing just that. Telling people how they should be and even punishing them if they dare to be different, or think for themselves. Criminal behaviour from people who are simply retarded thugs and bullies - much of it done in the so-called name of God. The majority of conflict problems in this world are brought about by those who want to interfere in the lives of others, usually backed up by force. Unsavoury authoritarian individuals and regimes that deny people their freewill and basic human rights. Perhaps epitomised by the likes of the Taliban and other more backward nations, it is currently a massive problem for the ordinary people of this planet.

How God Intended! Earth needs an upgrade of its moral framework. We need to evolve beyond our heritage of retarded jungle law towards a future of human decency and civilisation. A civilised planet where people can live and let live, have a good time and a good life, without fear of persecution from others. After all, we don't want for anything in this world, except the will to be nice. Authorities have a responsibility to protect people from being harmed by others, however, in personal matters that do not affect anyone else, such as lifestyle choice, people must be allowed to exercise their own freewill and their own freedom of choice. Whether it is being educated as a female in Afghanistan, or smoking a joint in the UK, people must be allowed to choose what THEY want out of life, free from interference and persecution by others. THIS is how God intended it to be! We just have to convince those that think they know better than God!

Persecution: The outlawing of matters and affairs that only affect the individual, such as persuasion, lifestyle choice, opinion and belief, and the subsequent harassment, detaining, or arrest of any such individual, who is harming no other in the pursuit of their own activities, is a form of persecution, a criminal act and a breach of fundamental human rights. We can hardly wag our finger at other countries regarding human rights abuses, when we haven't got our own house in order! Time to wake up!

Concluding Considerations / Suggestions

  • All personal drug use and lifestyle choices should be decriminalised, at least
  • Proper drug education should be introduced in schools
  • Drug education should also include the dangers of society's 'legitimised' drugs, i.e., alcohol, nicotine, gambling and sugar
  • Improve drug discrimination by not lumping all 'illegal' drugs into the same 'drug' category. They are not all the same!
  • Make natural cannabis in the form of quality hash, resin and freerange grass available for consenting adults
  • Make quality-controlled cocaine, ecstasy and LSD available, for consenting adults
  • Recognise and treat heroin addiction as a disease and provide what people need to prevent heroin-related illness
  • Provide quality-controlled heroin to addicts, via registered medical supervision, to eliminate addict-driven crime
  • Provide graded quality strengths to help addicts, who are ready to try and give it up, to wean off
  • Provide natural cannabis as a substitute for spice for prisoners in jail, recognising its therapeutic value
  • Stop wasting resources on a futile and immoral exercise and leave people alone when they're hurting no-one else
  • Capitalise on behalf of society and people in need by providing what others want and do anyway
  • Stop trying to live other people's lives for them and dictating what they can and can't do in personal matters


  • Eliminate immoral activity, oppression and persecution by the state
  • Eliminate drug-related crime, addict-driven theft and forced prostitution
  • Eliminate drug death and drug addiction
  • Eliminate dangerous synthetic drugs by substituting the safe and natural alternatives
  • Eliminate disrespect for the law and help improve police / public relations
  • Eliminate problematic misinformation and obfuscation, improve education and understanding
  • Eliminate knife crime and death from knife crime due to drug-gang rivalry
  • Eliminate child entrapment, child grooming and child exploitation
  • Eliminate drug-gang activity, popularity and attractiveness
  • Significantly improve the financial well-being of the nation

Further Reading...
Politicians Years Behind Grassroots
Drugs! Drugs! Drugs! Whose Choice? Who's Right? Who Knows?
Drug Education Section