The Spice Of Life, Or Death? - Part 4

Uncontrolled Substances: It is a sad fact that skunk (prohibition / moonshine cannabis) and even heroin are currently more available on the street in this country than the as-nature-intended, milder and healthier (especially for younger people) natural cannabis in the form of hash, resin, or natural grass. By operating the way we do, we are literally pushing people down the wrong road, because we have closed off the right one. This has simply caused people to take drugs that are stronger, more damaging, contaminated, and even lethal, because, the fact is, 'controlled' substances are not controlled at all. The real truth is that there are absolutely no controls over controlled substances. They are in fact, completely uncontrolled substances, and that is a big part of the problem! Dealing with the controlled substance situation responsibly would mean that such drugs can be properly controlled and properly quality controlled, thereby guaranteeing safety for people who want to (or have to) use them. We can monitor and properly control strengths, as we do with alcohol. We can provide the cannabis equivalent of beer or shandy for those people who want less potent cannabis, and for young people, many of which do try cannabis, regardless of what the state says. This would be much better than pushing them towards overly-strong skunk, or worse, because it's all they can get.

HIGHLY addictive! Mankind is an adventurous and explorative species. If we weren't, we would never have achieved all that we have. People do like to spice up their lives, and why shouldn't they! When it comes to controlled substances, some currently illegal drugs can be enjoyed quite safely. Certainly, as safely as many other things we do in life, as long as, like the many other things we do in life, we have the right education and good quality-assured equipment. LSD, ecstasy, cannabis and cocaine can all be used quite safely for positive educational, recreational, spiritual and social experiences, as long as people KNOW what they are doing and don't overdo it. And before anyone says, hang on a minute, cocaine is addictive! So is nicotine, so is alcohol, and so is gambling! If we're going to ban cocaine, we must definitely ban alcohol, with all the problems it causes and its costs to society. We had also better ban gambling, because that's insidious. No-one ever wins in the end, and it serves absolutely no constructive purpose whatsoever. Unless, that is, you're one of the morally-devoid fiscal vampires that sucks on the enormous profits it robs from the people caught in the trap, whose lives it ultimately destroys, as it financially rapes them, driving them to suicide at a rate of one person a day in the UK - and it's still advertised everywhere. We must also ban nicotine, because nicotine is HIGHLY addictive, as bad as heroin, and it serves absolutely no social, or educational purpose, except to teach people what it's like to have to deal with a serious addiction. Yes, it generates significant money for a parasitic industry and for the taxman, at the expense of people's health, their pockets and their life-span, but apart from that, it serves no useful purpose. It's socially unpleasant for non-smokers and it costs the health service a lot of money. Even children are now targeted with brightly-coloured, sweety-flavoured nicotine vapes. The aim is to get them addicted so they'll hand over their pocket money - and it's working.

LEARN That Lesson! On the other hand, as long as you treat it with respect and don't do it everyday, cocaine itself is not that addictive. Scientists have shown that sugar is eight times more addictive than cocaine. BBC News (12/09/23) reports that there are 12 million obese adults in the UK with a body mass index of 30 plus, costing the NHS 6.5 billion pounds a year. With the NHS buckling under the weight, and obesity killing and crippling so many people every year, to say nothing of the rampant tooth decay in young children burdening the NHS, if cocaine should be illegal, because people think it is addictive, then so should sugar! After all, you can't have your cake and eat it! Chocolate, cakes, biscuits and sugary drinks will all have to go and anyone seen eating a cake will have to be arrested and have their confectionary seized. The problems from obesity, alcohol and smoking are all self-inflicted, life-style-choice problems that sap NHS resources, preventing people with non-self-inflicted problems from getting the treatment they need as expediently. So, unless we want to be a bunch of complete hypocrites, we'd better just ban them all! Let's just make it illegal to be fat, drink alcohol, smoke, vape and gamble. And while we're at it, let's ban motorbikes, motorsport, hang-gliding, cave diving, skiing, horse riding, mountain climbing and swimming in the sea, because they all produce a few casualties here and there. Yes, it would be ridiculous wouldn't it! And it currently is ridiculous! Why on Earth are we picking on, and harassing people who are minding their own business and doing no harm to anyone else? Tarring them as criminals. Upsetting them, causing resentment and a complete disrespect for the law. There's nothing nice about the wrong sort of discrimination and its associated persecution. It's about time we really did LEARN that lesson!

Stop And Steal: We have had major issues with knife crime in this country, which have not been adequately addressed in all the years since Stephen Lawrence. Stop and search is one of the most powerful weapons we have in helping to reduce and eradicate the carrying of knives and the associated knife crime, however, it is not very popular and has met with significant criticism. Why? Most people understand the need to reduce knives and knife crime. They also understand that stop and search is a useful and necessary tool in helping to achieve this. The main problem with stop and search is not the search for knives, it is the persecution of otherwise innocent people for lifestyle choice and the subsequent theft, by those that are supposed be upholding and administering the law, of goods which do not belong to them. FACT - our own policemen are currently behaving like criminals! Accosting innocent members of the public and stealing their stash. It's about time our own criminal justice system learnt to understand what actually constitutes a crime, because at the moment we obviously haven't quite worked it out! For the record, a crime is an act which creates a victim, contrary to their will. A crime is not a difference of opinion, lifestyle choice, or belief. Stop and search would be far more acceptable and respectable if our own policemen weren't behaving likes criminals and breaking the law by thieving and taking that which doesn't belong to them. How can anyone have respect for that! No wonder people get upset!

ST ILL! We can't really blame the police, because they are just following orders, and they are generally very decent people that have to deal with a multitude of undesirable entities, acts and attitudes. However, at some point, we must understand that, immoral instruction from the top becomes an immoral act when enforced at the bottom, and this is where the quality of leadership becomes absolutely crucial. The thing is, any wrong thinking individual can worm their way into power and order an army to start invading, or a police force to start oppressing others unjustly. Yes, we see it all the time in this world. We've also seen many bad decisions made in this country, and we've seen the damage bad decisions can do. When we look around the globe, it's a very serious problem. However, it is difficult for us in the UK to start pointing the finger at other nations for their abuses of human rights and their lack of fair play, when we're not exactly squeaky clean ourselves. In other countries we have thugs, bullies and tyrants in charge and they don't care who they tread on. Immense suffering is inflicted by these people, who are quite simply not fit for purpose. Our problems in the UK are somewhat mild in comparison, however, in principle, this is our own example of everything that is wrong with the world, ST ILL!

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Crosstalk by Taz: April 2023