Some people think they're fit to lead, but look what they lead us into!

Some people think they're fit to lead, but look what they lead us into!

War Costs Everyone, So Why Do We Do It?

Facts about war...

Orders: For thousands of years, ordinary people have been fighting and dying on the orders of those whose want to use and exploit the ordinary people to satisfy their lust for territorial ambition, and their obsession for the control of others, their lands and resources. Such individuals also instigate wars for small-minded, petty reasons, such as personal grudges, vendettas and bigotry!

Inconsideration: War is caused by extreme selfishness and the inconsideration of others, by those in power. National leaders who are not prepared to work fairly together on behalf of humanity, to productively manage the basics, on a beautiful planet that has been gifted everything.

Wargames: Life on Earth is not a game, for those who those in charge to sacrifice the ordinary people, their lives, their livelihoods and their homes! Humanity can do without irresponsible leaders, who say they're fit to lead, but are patently not!

War - There Are No Winners!

All war is wrong! All war shows that we've got it wrong!


Selfish Ends: Ever since time began, mankind has been arguing and fighting over territory and spoils. This has often been stirred up by individuals who see fit to drag the common people into conflict to try and further their own selfish or egotistical ends.

No More War: Most ordinary people just want a quiet life. Warmongers and aggressors prevent us from having a quiet life, but they cannot fight wars on their own. If the common people of this planet say no more war, there will be no more war!

Stakes Higher: The stakes are much higher now, due to the development of nuclear weapons. If we let the warmongers and hatemongers carry on unchecked, we may find that we have no planet left, or it will be so severely damaged that life will become impossible!

Cost The People: War is generally caused by the few, who use the ordinary people, their efforts and their monies, to fight and argue over spoils and control. People that start and support wars are either idiots, or self-interested and greedy! Ordinary people do not want war. Ordinary people do not benefit from war. War always costs the ordinary people. There are no sound reasons for fighting war! War is hell. It is always the ordinary people, including the women and children, that pay the cost, and the cost is high!

Happy To Do This: It is in the common interest of all men that we survive on this planet and that we manage ourselves, our planet and our resources sensibly and efficiently without wasting our energies and resources on war! It is in the common interest that we don't fight, but learn to get on. Most ordinary people are more than happy to do this. At least when not herded and forced by idiots in charge!

Fatally Flawed: One cannot emphasize enough the importance of the quality of leadership. Our's social-management systems are fatally flawed at present. Still based on the archaic law of the jungle and the selfish bullying of the alpha-male. It's not even the clever people that have the reigns. The clever people usually get into the arts and the sciences, leaving those often less than decent, or capable, to take control. The people that worm their way into power are usually of very moderate intelligence and often as fatally flawed. Oppressive, dictatorial, selfish and retarded. Hence the global mess we currently live in! And it only takes one!

B one and put an end to war!

Turning The Word: Then there are those who promote war in the name of God. Look at the amount of suffering and misery they cause. Nothing to do with God there! Quite the opposite. A leftover from our animal heritage. People behaving like animals. Retarded and backward, just like turning the word, GOD becomes DOG!

Doggy Do! Trying to re-educate people who believe in war, is perhaps like trying to train wild dogs not to be wild. Not that easy! The dogs would have to want to change and become what they are naturally not, as in nature, dogs ultimately do what dogs do!

Advanced Life: Men on Earth have got to want to change! That is, rise above being like animals and become civilised. Rather than training people like dogs, to fight over a bone, we have to educate people to behave better than animals. Encourage people to b one and become a part of advanced life in our universe! Or are we not interested?

Crosstalk By Taz...
Just A Cold War - But So Nearly A Nuclear Winter!
War Is Hell So Why Do We Do It?
The Wall - A Mark Of Respect For The Psychological Damage Of War!
We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists - The Error In Terror!
The Story Of Mankind

More facts about war...

After the Second world War, the Nuremburg trial was meant to draw a line under the terror of what the world had seen, bringing just some of the guilty leadership to account. None of those on trial were able to admit what they had done. They all pled not guilty. Three new crimes were conceived for the trial...

Some leaders of nations, even now, are still committing the above crimes, behaving in exactly the same way as Hitler!