What Have They Done?

There is little good or positive one can say about traffic schemes local authorities have implemented in recent years. The types of scheme implemented rob us of road resource, prevent people from using their common sense, increase congestion and make people have stop and start unnecessarily. Such green-unfriendly schemes have cost millions of pounds of public money, and now the public are paying a different cost, having to contend with a long list of negative factors. Some of the schemes are simply inconvenient, some are simply ridiculous, some are positively dangerous. They all cost the public more time and money and make the roads and our society less efficient. It all represents an irresponsible waste of public money spent on things that do more harm than good and cause more problems than they cure.

Negative factors caused by the recent trend in retrogressive, green-unfriendly traffic schemes...

  1. Increase junction processing time
  2. Increase congestion and tailback congestion
  3. Force vehicles to stop and start unnecessarily
  4. Rob us of road resource
  5. Restrict road width
  6. Cause bottlenecks
  7. Obstruct vehicles with obstacles in the road
  8. Waste people's time
  9. Cover our roads in humps and bumps making them uncomfortable to travel on
  10. Cause more vehicle wear and tear
  11. Cause accidents with kerbstone appendages which jut out into the road
  12. Cause accidents with innappropriately placed mini roundabouts
  13. Cause more vehicle damage to wheels, tyres and wing mirrors.
  14. Cause more pollution
  15. Have a higher accident liklihood and liability
  16. Remove and diminish flexibility
  17. Prevent people from using their common sense and initiative
  18. Degrade the efficiency of our roads
  19. Degrade the efficiency of our society
  20. Cost people time and money
  21. Make life more difficult
  22. Increase frustration and road rage
  23. Impede emergency vehicles
  24. Encourage people to buy overly-large 4 x 4's
  25. Under provide on parking
  26. Charge and fine people for the problems they have created

Inefficient bus lanes, ridiculous priority give way schemes, perfectly good roads covered with lumps and bumps, unnecessary traffic lights, inefficient pedestrian crossings, no right turns, no left turns, restricted access with gates and bollards. All are green unfriendly, time wasting, congestion and pollution compounding. Then there's the under providing of parking, making life difficult for people to go about their business. It's a mess! And then they want charge and fine people for the mess they've created. As well as fines, they also want to charge people, and have effectively forced vehicles off the road, businesses to go under, and people to have to struggle even more, by introducing money-making schemes such as congestion charging and low emission zones. It's an insult and an abuse of position and power! An absolute disgrace!