Less Efficient! It is a sad fact that many of today's traffic schemes are far less efficient that the ones they have replaced. They cause more more congestion and clogging up of the roads, and consequently more delays for the motorist. They also cause more vehicle wear and tear and more pollution. We should be seen to be improving efficiency on the roads, allowing people to get to where they need to be as efficiently and expediently as possible. However, policies implemented in recent times have caused the reverse.

Breaking Point! Problems on the roads are also compounded by poor logistic management, including school placement, as well as over populating areas that do not have the infrastructure to support a higher population density. There is a breaking point, but the authorities don't seem to be taking these factors into account, as they carry on regardless.

Millions Of Pounds! In recent years our local authorities have spent millions of pounds on traffic schemes that are green unfriendly. The more such schemes implemented, the worse it gets for people who are just trying to go about their business. Unnecessary traffic lights, traffic lights on roundabouts, bus lanes that disproportionately hog road resource, priority give way schemes, no right turn, no left turn, blocking roads off, such things are a nonsense, and yet unlike the public, our local authorities seem to think they're worthy of wasting our money on.

Retarded: Such policies are all too often nonsensical and poorly thought out. We hope to see these trends reversed and a move back to a smooth and efficient up to date road system where efficiency is the goal. This means putting more emphasis on educating motorists, encouraging driver initiative and common sense and using respectable, up to date systems, to slow traffic where deemed necessary.

Getting Worse! Our roads have been turned into a mess. They have become clogged up, with traffic being forced to keep stopping and starting unnecessarily. They are uncomfortable to travel on because many are now covered in humps and bumps and at times, it has become almost impossible to to go about our business. Factor in road works, which no one ever seems to be working on, and it's not a great situation.

No Room To Move! With other access routes blocked, there is no spare capacity at the best of times. It only takes one accident and the remaining roads become grid-locked because there is no room to move and nowhere to go. It all amounts to backward traffic management that wastes an inordinate amounts of people's time and money every year and it is of course seriously GREEN UNFRIENDLY!