Scrap Bus Lanes And Stop the Buses Hogging The Road!

Sums Don't Add Up! The problem with allocating half the road for a bus lane is that, in most instances, you are designating fifty percent of the road resource to less than ten percent of the traffic, in some cases, less than 1% of the traffic. This means that the other ninety to ninety-nine percent of traffic has to be crammed into the fifty percent of the road that is left. These sums simply do not add up. Bus lanes are not practical, or even sensible and yet our local authorities have peppered our roads with them, without consideration and without asking the people who pay the bills.

Disproportionate Priority! With the bus-lane mentality that the local authorities are currently expressing, it is often the case that the majority of the nation's workforce are forced sit in congestion, wasting their time and coughing out fumes, while the school children and the elderly are given disproportionate priority on the occasional bus. The situation has gone beyond the joke with commuting motorcyclists even being fined for straying into the sacred bus lane.

People Prefer! The simple fact is, people prefer to use personal transport for many reasons, and they should have the right to do so, especially as they are picking up the tab. There are no problems with personal transport that cannot be overcome. With sensible logistic and traffic management of today's society, it is perfectly possible for people to be able to use their personal transport and get where they need to be, when they need to be there. Vehicles will get cleaner as technology improves and even if things are a bit congested at times, it won't ever be as bad as the mess it is at the moment.

Let's All Get Moving! The best idea is to eradicate bus lanes, that contribute greatly to congestion, and instead, put emphasis on getting ALL the traffic moving as efficiently as possible. In doing so, everyone will be able to effectively get where they need to be, cars and buses alike. This would also be fairer as, at the moment the nation's workforce and majority taxpaying members of the public are having their hard-earned money spent on impeding them, making life more difficult and preventing them from getting where they need to be efficiently.

So Hard To Understand? With sensible logistic management (a concept that seems to be unheard of to many of our local authorities) and the use of the most efficient types of junction management scheme on offer (a concept that also appears to be equally alien), we can dramatically improve the problems that people currently have in getting from A to B. This is what we should be concentrating on and that is what the authorities should be spending our money on! Not the institution of more bus lanes!