Bexley Council Did Listen - Once!

We Object! For many years we have been trying to reason with Bexley Council about the things they do which make life more difficult for people. They do what they like, undemocratically, and bully the people into submission, and we object! We try and put a practical and commonsense view forward on behalf of residents, but usually to no avail. Amongst the following is a unique example of the one time that Bexley Council actually did take some notice. However, it didn't last for long, it seems.

New Housing Estate: After building a new housing estate all over what used to be our playing fields, a valuable community / recreational facility and a carpark (against the wishes of many residents), Bexley Council were proposing to paint additional yellow lines in Slade Green Road, the very road where the carpark had been. We wrote to Bexley Council pointing out that we already have serious parking problems and they had just demolished a carpark in that very location, they subsequently did abandon the plans, however, new proposals have now been forwarded.

Extortionate! To add insult to injury, the new housing estate, built all over our playing fields and our carpark, has now been designated and signposted as 'PRIVATE LAND' and has its own parking restrictions, with extortionate charges. This has further compounded parking problems for residents in Slade Green Road and Plantation Road, where we get the spillover of people who, understandably, do not want to pay £6.00 to park overnight (12hr period), or £10.00 to park for 24 hours.

Unique Example: We have long argued the toss with Bexley Council about the problems they cause and their blatant 'deafness'. However, until we get better social management system with proper democratic input, they can more or less do what they like and ignore people as it suits. In fact, over the years, that is exactly what they have done on a plethora of issues. In the eyes of many, making a complete mess of things and life more difficult for the people ultimately paying the cost!

A letter from Bexley Council to residents, proposing yet more parking restrictions in Slade Green Road

27th March 2018

Dear Resident,


Following concerns raised regarding on street parking creating a problem, the above site has been investigated and it has been agreed that inconsiderate parking can cause a risk to road safety.

Therefore, the Council is proposing the introduction of new waiting restrictions operating 'At Any Time' (double yellow lines) as shown on the plan overleaf.

The draft Traffic Management Order will be advertised on the 28th March 2018.

If you have any comments you wish to make about the proposal, please send them to me by the 25th April 2018 and they will be considered along with any other objections/comments we receive.

Please send any comments to or in writing to the above address.

Should there be no valid objections, the order will be made and the work will be carried out to mark the yellow lines. However, any objections received will be reported to the Cabinet Member for Traffic and Transport.

Yours sincerely,
Michael Wenbourne
Traffic Engineer

Our reply to the above letter, to object to the proposal to introduce yet more parking restrictions in Slade Green Road

23rd April 2018


Dear Mr Wenbourne,

Thank you for your letter dated 27th March 2018, which refers to “concerns raised regarding on street parking creating a problem” in Slade Green Road, and the need, therefore, for further anytime waiting restrictions. In light of the considerable problems and the increased difficulty to residents and visitors that this scheme will undoubtedly cause, could you please indicate where such concerns have arisen?

Could you also address the following questions for me please?

  1. Are the Council aware that they are notably under-providing on sufficient parking in many areas and that this under-provision causes serious problems for residents and visitors alike?
  2. Are the Council aware that the further diminishment of available parking by painting more and more yellow lines is seriously compounding the parking problems residents and visitors already have?
  3. I would point out that parking in Slade Green Road is at times completely necessary, and currently serves residents, workers, visitors and the Church. As the Council have just demolished a perfectly good carpark in this very road, against the wishes of the residents, could you please indicate where the Council propose that people do park?
  4. Finally, can you please properly explain why it is that Slade Green Road has been singled out for additional parking restrictions when, for example, Manor Road, which is only slightly wider and yet deals with a significantly much higher density of traffic, including buses and heavy lorries, serving a number of industrial sites, remains unaffected?

Please note, I am not suggesting that Manor Road, or any other road should be affected with such parking restrictions, as such restrictions cause serious parking problems for everyone.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Mr DJ Tarrant.

Bexley Council's reply to our letter above, objecting to the additional parking restrictions

11th September 2018

Dear Mr Tarrant,


I refer to my previous letter of 9th May 2018.

The objections received were analysed and reported to the Cabinet Member for Places, Councillor Peter Craske for his consideration. He has decided that the proposed waiting restrictions in Slade Green Road are abandoned with no further progression of the proposal.

The details in respect of the decision taken and a review of the comments made and received may be accessed on the internet by the flowing pathway on www.

  • Councillors, elections and democracy
  • Agendas, reports and decisions
  • Decisions in Bexley
  • Key and non-key decisions
  • Waiting Restrictions - Objections to Advertised Proposals - Various Locations (29/08/2018)

Thank you for your contribution

Yours sincerely
Michael Wenbourne
Traffic Engineer

The Story So Far

Can Listen! The above shows that Bexley Council can listen if they want to and in fact, as they are being paid by, and supposed to be serving the public, perhaps they should listen. However, the above is the only instance in over twenty years of communications, where Bexley Council have actually taken any notice on behalf of residents!

Not Good Enough! Over the years we have made many phone calls and written many letters to Bexley Council to try and point out that they were creating significant problems for us, not employing the best solutions on offer, going against the grain of common sense, walking all over people's feelings and ignoring the greater democratic will. They have not been interested!

Fingers In Ears! Bexley Council stick their fingers in their ears, come up with lies and pathetic excuses and carry on regardless. They have behaved like rogue traders, ignoring public feeling and wasting public money on making a mess of things. Is this good enough from the people we are paying to manage our services and our infrastructure?

Laid In Stone! People living in this area are going to be stuck with the bad decisions Bexley Council have made for the many years to come. Decisions that adversely affect everyone's quality of life, but unfortunately, are now laid in stone! We will be properly assessing much of what the Council have done in more detail as time goes on. However, they are not the only ones.

Mentality Problem! This country has a social management mentality problem that has been ingrained and handed down over the years. Those in authority believe they have carte blanche and that the way to manage people is to all walk over them. It shows that our political and social management system is undemocratic, arrogant, inept, inefficient and wasteful of public resources.

Accountable! The other problem is that nobody in authority is ever held accountable for ignoring the greater public will, wasting public money, for the mistakes they make, or the damage that they do. Do as you likey Mrs Pikey.

To be continued...

Another letter from Bexley Council proposing anytime waiting restrictions in Slade Green Road and Rainbow Road

27th June 2023

Dear Resident,

Re: 1436.8 – Proposed Waiting Restrictions – Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road, Slade Green

Following concerns raised regarding on street parking creating a problem close to the above-mentioned junction and this site has been investigated and it has been agreed that parking could pose a risk to road safety and interferes with the free flow of traffic and driver sight lines.

Therefore, the Council is proposing the introduction of new waiting restrictions (yellow lines) as shown on the plan on the reverse of this letter.

The draft Traffic Management Order (TMO) will be advertised on Wednesday 28th June 2023.

If you have any comments for the proposal either for or against, please send them to me in writing, and including your name and address by Wednesday 19th July 2023 and they will be considered along with any other objections/comments we receive.

Please send these comments to or to the above address.

Please Note: Under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, any comments made by you will be open to public inspection as background information to a Cabinet report. This means that the comment you have made are open to inspection by anyone.

Should there be no valid objections, the TMO will be made, and the work will be carried out to mark the yellow lines on the street. However, any objections received will be reported to the Cabinet Member for Places, who will make the final decision on who to progress any location that receives comments.

If there are any objections to any of the proposals, all locations are temporarily on hold until a decision is made on objected locations.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely
Michael Wenbourne
Traffic Engineer

Our reply to Bexley Council listing observations and comments on behalf of residents

19th July 2023

Dear Mr Wenbourne,

Re: 1436.8 – Proposed Waiting Restrictions – Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road, Slade Green

Thank you for your letter, dated 27th June 2023.

As you know, residents here are generally not in favour of additional parking restrictions because of the problems they cause. We are already desperately short of parking, further compounded in recent times by the new Rainbow Road estate, which for some reason, is now signposted as ‘private land’, and wants to charge people for parking on it. Why is that exactly? How can a new housing estate, built on land that used to be a useful community facility, first of all, be private land, and secondly, not be provided with available parking unless people pay through the nose for it?

I would also add that the anytime waiting restrictions already in Plantation Road, cause considerable problems for residents and were implemented undemocratically. That is against the majority of resident’s wishes (over 80% not in favour), as Bexley Council were made fully aware at the time. In fact, we would ideally like them removed. Plantation Road has no through traffic and they serve no useful purpose. Some people believe the Council do this simply to make money. Under the circumstances, and looking at the Bexley Council’s track record of ‘not being particularly helpful’ in these areas, it is hard to disagree. Is this corruption, we ask?

With regard to safety, sightlines, and the risk to road safety, we generally manage quite well. Residents are careful and there have been no accidents. We did have one issue with a transit van (we believe from the Rainbow Road estate) that someone kept parking on the corner of Slade Green Road, opposite Rainbow Road. Because of its height, it did cause some visibility problems when crossing over Slade Green Road and when turning out of Plantation Road. However, a residents’ association note was left on its windscreen, politely explaining the problem and asking the owner to relocate it. This he kindly did and we haven’t seen it since.

I personally live directly opposite the entrance to Rainbow Road and have never ever seen any vehicle parked in Rainbow Road, where the yellow lines are proposed, so yellow lines in Rainbow Road itself are completely unnecessary and would be a complete waste of public money. I also do not remember ever seeing any vehicles parked on the north side of Slade Green Road, east side, that close to Rainbow Road either, so again, yellow lines there are also unnecessary. The section northside of Slade Green Road, westside of Rainbow Road, up to the vicarage, currently provides one valuable parking space for a car that doesn’t greatly interfere with anything or anyone. We would like to keep this valuable space and I have to wonder, who exactly is it that is ‘raising concerns’ and do they even live here?

On behalf of those that do live here, we also have to contend with alien vehicles belonging to non-residents being parked long-term, and have had quite a number over the years. We currently have a black Audi in Plantation Road. It’s been there for months and belongs to someone from the Rainbow Road estate. It just sits there taking up a parking space. It’s taxed and has MOT, so not much can be done about it, until the owner decides to move it or sell it on.

With regard to traffic flow, there has been an occasional constriction problem for larger vehicles turning into Slade Green Road from Bridge Road, caused by a vehicle being impractically parked on the north side, between Bridge Road and Rainbow Road. Extending the yellow lines in this section, between the mini-roundabout and the corner of Rainbow Road, would solve this sporadic problem. However, as the pavements are excessively wide on the south side of Slade Green Road (3.6m), a much preferable solution would be to allow pavement parking on the southside of Slade Green Road, between the mini roundabout and Plantation Road.

There is already pavement parking on the south side of Slade Green Road, to the West of Plantation Road, with bays wide enough for complete vehicles. However, if residents use the whole bay width, they can get blocked in by vehicles parking on the road, so they often tend not to use it, meaning they still park on the road. If the pavement parking on the South side of Slade Green Road were to run both east and west of Plantation Road with a continuous bay width of say 1.3m, encouraging vehicles to park with two wheels on the pavement, it would help everyone. This solution does not adversely impact on any resident parking and would increase the useable road width significantly, removing any such potential constriction. In fact, it would aid all vehicles using Slade Green Road and would still leave 2.3m of usable pavement width for pedestrians.

This option would also remove the need for any further yellow lines in an already over-stretched area. Don’t forget, we also often have an additional influx of visitors to find space for with occasions at the church, the church hall and the community centre to contend with. None of these venues seem to have sufficient parking. Why is that? I also have a problem with a lady down the road, who comes home from NHS night work and parks across my drive, because she says she cannot find anywhere else to park. Again, removing the yellow lines at the top of Plantation Road, in favour residents’ wishes, would aid her also and means she wouldn’t have to impede my access and exit.

We also used to have some available parking spaces for residents on the exceptionally wide pavement on the other end of this terrace, adjacent to the mini roundabout in Bridge Road jw Slade Green Road. Someone decided it would be a good idea to plant bollards, trees and bushes there instead. A nice thought, perhaps, but it’s littered, overgrown and not properly maintained, which of course now costs money. We have also lost the old community centre carpark and recycling point, which is all boarded off and now also signed as private land. What is going on? Again, not very helpful. And if Bexley Council is planning on building even more accommodation on this site, which looking at how the Council have been over-populating this area of late, seems quite likely, are the Council actually going to provide any parking for the facility? Or are they all going to come here?

There are many instances, where Bexley Council have spent considerable sums of public money on schemes that cause more problems than what was there before. It is all too often the case that in trying to ‘fix’ one thing, a worse problem is created, making life MORE difficult for people. Many of these things have been pointed out to Bexley Council over the years, but it has largely all fallen on deaf ears. There is obviously a degree of disagreement between those people that make and enforce such decisions and the people that pay their wages. Why is that? It’s a bit like rogue traders! We wouldn’t mind if everything the Council did had significant benefits, but unfortunately, this has been far from the case, leaving us to have to contend with a worse situation.

I’m sure you would personally agree that sensible management involves ticking as many boxes as you can, and keeping as many people happy as you can. Plus getting the best and most efficient result with what we have, in a less than ideal world with less-than-ideal infrastructure. We would certainly appreciate that, if it can be achieved! Thank you for your consideration.

Best wishes,
David J. Tarrant

Reply from Bexley Council to our letter noting observations and comments on behalf of residents

20 July 2023

14188 - Tarrant - Proposed yls - Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road

Dear Mr Tarrant

Thank you for your email in regard to the proposed waiting restrictions on Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road, Slade Green. I note that as a resident of the road you are in objection to the proposals and have additional comments/suggestions. In light of the comments made the proposed changes cannot proceed at the moment and are on a temporary hold.

All comments received during this consultation will be put forward and fed back to the Cabinet Member for Places, Councillor Richard Diment before a final decision is made on the proposals. As Cabinet Member he can choose to proceed with the proposals as advertised, amend them, or abandon them altogether. I will ensure the comments made are included.

At present no information will be passed to the Cabinet Member until completion of the consultation, to which after a report will be drafted and prepared.

Please note: Under the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, any comments made by you will be open to public inspection as background information to a Cabinet report.

I trust this information is of use and should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Michael Wenbourne
Traffic Engineer
Traffic & Road Safety Services
London Borough of Bexley

A further letter to Bexley Council to inquire about issues raised above

04 August 2023

Re: 1436.8 – Proposed Waiting Restrictions – Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road, Slade Green
Re: 14188 - Tarrant - Proposed yls - Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road

Dear Mr Wenbourne,

Re: 1436.8 – Proposed Waiting Restrictions – Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road, Slade Green

Thank you for your confirmation email, dated 20th July 2023.

With regard the above proposal and related issues, and in further to our general enquiries, I wonder if you could please provide the following information?

  1. Generally speaking, out of the people that are raising concerns, in what capacity are they doing so, and do they actually live here?
  2. Why is the Rainbow Road housing estate signposted as private land and who actually then owns it?
  3. Why is it charging people (quite substantially) for parking, forcing parking spillover and compounding problems for residents in Slade Green Road and Plantation Road?
  4. As it is a new housing estate, why has it not been provisioned with sufficient free and available parking?
  5. Given the advantages it would yield, will the constructive suggestion to implement and amend the pavement parking in Slade Green Road with its 3.6m pavements, with a 1.3m continuous bay, be given any serious consideration, or will it be ignored?
  6. Why were the yellow lines implemented in Plantation Road against the wishes of residents, with over 80% of people that live in Plantation Road not in favour?
  7. As it has been indicated to Bexley Council that it would be extremely helpful to the people that live here, and over 80% of residents in Plantation Road were not in favour of these yellow lines, are we able to get them removed?
  8. Do the people that make these unilateral decisions, supposedly for the better, on behalf of the people paying their wages, actually have any qualifications? If so, what qualifications do they have?
  9. Finally, would it not be better to ask the people that live here what they would prefer and let them decide, rather than a decision be made undemocratically and dictatorially by a single individual, who doesn’t live here and won’t have to live, or contend, with the consequences?

Best wishes,
David J. Tarrant

Bexley Council's reply to the above letter. Our questions are listed in green, Bexley Council's response is in red

Dear Mr Tarrant

Thank you for your email below in regard to the ‘Proposed Waiting Restrictions – Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road, Slade Green.’

I note the comments made are the same as per comments made in the formal consultation. These points have been addressed in the report to the Cabinet Member, for which will be passed to him for a decision on Friday.

I do however offer the below comments directly:

1) Generally speaking, out of the people that are raising concerns, in what capacity are they doing so, and do they actually live here?

For reasons of Data Protection, I cannot divulge such information. However, the road(s) in question are public highway and as such any person using the public highway can make requests.

2) Why is the Rainbow Road housing estate signposted as private land and who actually then owns it?

Parts of Rainbow Road are private. This is a new housing estate that, in parts have not been adopted by the Council. The Council does not have the ability to see who owns land. This is something that you would need to raise with the Land Registry Officer. We can only differentiate between private and public.

3) Why is it charging people (quite substantially) for parking, forcing parking spillover and compounding problems for residents in Slade Green Road and Plantation Road?

As private land/roads it is privately enforced. It is at the discretion of the land owner how they enforce and allow parking within their remit.

4) As it is a new housing estate, why has it not been provisioned with sufficient free and available parking?

This is something that Traffic Services cannot comment on. This can only be responded to by Development Control. The highway impact of developments is considered by development engineers who then comment on the planning application before a decision is reached. The planning application would have also established a level of parking and if this is not being provided it would be a matter for Planners to decide if enforcement action should be undertaken. Whilst the London Borough of Bexley may have a ‘policy’ in place we as a London Borough and as part of the GLA also have restrictions that are put in place in regard to the amount of parking spaces that are made available by the Mayor of London and the GLA.

5) Given the advantages it would yield, will the constructive suggestion to implement and amend the pavement parking in Slade Green Road with its 3.6m pavements, with a 1.3m (or similar) continuous bay, on the southside of Slade Green Road, either side of Plantation Road, be given any serious consideration, or will it be ignored?

Footway parking is banned in London. It is however permitted in certain roads and sections of roads where exemptions are in place. The sections mentioned are not exempt from the footway parking ban. Therefore, we would not be able to introduce such measures. Furthermore, there is no budget for such works, as all roads within the borough have been exempted that are deemed necessary.

6) Why were the yellow lines implemented in Plantation Road against the wishes of residents, when over 80% of people that live in Plantation Road were not in favour?

This comment is not factually correct. The proposed waiting restrictions for Plantation Road were advertised on street in 2015. During the consultation period only 2 comments were received in relation to the proposals. Subsequently the decision was made, by the then Cabinet Member for the environment and public realm, to implement the proposals.

7) As it has been indicated to Bexley Council that it would be extremely helpful to the people that live here, and over 80% of residents in Plantation Road were not in favour of these yellow lines, are we able to get them removed?

As mentioned above, just 2 comments were received regarding the proposals. There are no plans to review the current restrictions on Plantation Road. They are there for junction protection and are deemed the minimum required.

Although not legislation the Highway Code does state not to park within 10.0 metres of a junction. The markings conform with where drivers should not be parking.

8) Do the people that make these unilateral decisions, supposedly for the better, on behalf of the people paying their wages, actually have any qualifications? If so, what qualifications do they have?

Recommendations are made by Council Officers in regards to locations that could be of benefit to road safety. Site visits are undertaken to locations to assess requests. The recommendation is made by the Engineer. In this instance myself. It is of no concern to yourself in regard to my qualifications and experience. I would however not be in my position if not capable.

9) Finally, would it not be better to ask the people that live here what they would prefer and let them decide, rather than a decision be made undemocratically and dictatorially by a single individual, who doesn’t live here and won’t have to live, or contend, with the consequences?

The Council does not have the resources or budget to carry out informal consultations to gauge any potential comment of residents. The formal statutory process, consultation was undertaken for comment. This included letters and on street public notices. The Council puts out a proposals that they deem would be of benefit, and comments made by the public are taken on board.

I trust this information is of use.

Yours sincerely
Michael Wenbourne (MSc Civils)
Traffic Engineer
Traffic & Road Safety Services London Borough of Bexley

Reply to Bexley Council to say thanks for the response and we'll address the points raised more thoroughly at some point

14188 - Tarrant - Proposed yls - Rainbow Road & Slade Green Road

Dear Mr Wenbourne

Thank you for your reply, dated 9th August 2023, and thank you for taking the time to address the bulleted points.

On first inspection, it doesn’t seem to shed any new light on things, as it doesn’t outline anything we don’t already know.

However, I would hope to address the points you make more thoroughly at some point, as it does speak volumes in other ways, highlighting some of the issues we feel that we have.

I hope you have a nice break. I’m hoping to do similar myself.

Best wishes,
David Tarrant.