POP Survey on Pavement Parking in Plantation Road and Other Parking Issues

The following results are from from a people's opinion and prefernce survey asking residents for their views on parking in Plantation Road and other contentious issues we have had with Bexley Council. The results show just how far out of true our local authority are.

People's Opinion & Preference Survey Yes No Unsure
When vehicles are parked at the top of Plantation Road, do you think it makes more sense if they are allowed to park on the pavement, just as in the rest of the road? 93.10% 00% 6.90%
Do you think it causes more of an obstruction at the top of Plantation Road if vehicles are forced to park on the road instead of on the pavement? 89.66% 3.45% 6.90%
Do you think it would aid visibility if vehicles were allowed to park on the pavement at the top of Plantation Road, as in the rest of the road? 96.55% 3.45% 6.90%
Do you agree with the council’s policy of fining people who are parked on the pavement at the top of Plantation Road? 10.34% 86.21% 3.45%
If you were given the choice, would you prefer straightforward blanket exemption from the pavement parking ban for the whole of Plantation Road instead of unsightly marked bays? 82.76% 6.90% 10.34%
Do you agree with the council’s enforcement of a pavement parking ban in roads such as Plantation Road, where pavements are wide and the road narrow? 00% 89.66% 10.34%
Have any of your family or friends been fined for pavement parking in Plantation Rd? If so, and if you so wish, by all means indicate an approx total amount (Total = £960.00) 41.38% 58.62% 00%
Do you think that residents and visitors in Plantation Road have been unfairly treated and exploited by Bexley Council issuing parking penalty notices over the years? 81.48% 7.41 11.11%
Do you think that residents and visitors in Plantation Road have been deliberately targeted by Bexley Council issuing parking penalty notices just to make money? 66.67% 25.93% 7.41%
Do you feel that Bexley Council deliberately target and exploit people’s parking problems in various locations just to make money knowing that people are challenged? 81.48% 7.41% 11.11%
Do you think the council do enough towards providing adequate parking and docking facilities, for local shops, schools, railway stations, etc…? 00% 93.10% 6.90%
Do you think that Bexley Council make it more difficult for people to function and go about their business by not providing enough parking? 96.30% 00% 3.70%
Do you feel that Bexley Council deliberately under provide on parking in some locations, so that they can catch people out and make money? 70.37% 18.52% 11.11%
Do you agree with Bexley Council’s implementation of ‘Smart Cars’ that scout around taking photographs of vehicles for the purpose of fining people? 14.29% 75.00% 10.71%
Do you think it would be a good idea to have a country park style commuter carpark on a portion of the green at the back of the station, corner of Howbury Lane & Whitehall Lane? 86.21% 3.45% 10.34%

Number of residents' opinions processed so far = 31.
The approximate total amount of money paid in fines by residents as so far declared = £960.00.

This does not include visitors and residents who have moved, whom we were unable to canvass. It represents just a fraction of the total amount Bexley Council have managed to extort from people over the years in just this one location, by changing the law so as to exploit this anomoly in our infrastructre. This also does not incude the many adult education users of the Howbury Centre, who have parked in Plantation Road due to the Howbury Centre having insufficient parking itself at peak times.

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