Residents Crying Out For 'Magic' Roundabout

Residents in Slade Green say they have been forced to do thousands of unnecessary miles over the years because Bexley Council will not give them a roundabout at a crucial junction, which is the gateway to Slade Green. At the moment they are forced to go a mile out of their way. Taz, from the Crosstalk Foundation, said "We wrote to Bexley Council in 2001 to ask for this scheme and put a superb argument on the table. Unfortunately, true to form, they did not listen to us and nearly fifteen years later we still have no roundabout."

"This scheme has so many advantages, it's crying out to be done. It would greatly help alleviate congestion on the dual carriageway and the existing roundabouts, as well ease traffic for residents along side roads. It would save considerable time and money and make life easier for all vehicles, including the buses. There are overwhelming advantages for everyone including helping to reduce pollution. It's a no-brainer! We have said all this to Bexley Council, who just came back with a nonsense argument."

"Over the years Bexley Council have spent loads of money on ridiculous traffic schemes which actually make life even more difficult. It seems they'd rather waste our money than do something sensible for once. Slade Green used to be known as Cabbage Island. We don't grow cabbages here any more, as the fields have largely been swallowed up, but I do wonder if Bexley Council think the residents here are all cabbages. However, we are not. We know what makes sense and we've put a very good case forward. Far better than theirs! Nevertheless, Bexley Council just stick their fingers in their ears and poke their tongue out. Contrary to their motto, they certainly do not listen to us!"

September 2016