Bexley Council's Traffic Planning Inconvenience

Local Authority Trends: In recent decades, our local authority has spent hundreds of thousands of pounds of public money on implementing traffic schemes that reduce the efficiency of our roads. This has considerably compounded congestion and pollution in the area and also wastes people's time. Only one of the issues has now been resolved, that of Crayford High Street, although people had to put up with many years of inconvenience, waiting for the Council to remove a nonsensical and barely used bus lane and restore the two lane approach. Much of the time it is a case of majority public viewpoint versus the Council's ineptitude, arrogance and 'deafness'.

Abuse Of Trust: Spending public money on things that make matters worse and that people do not want constitutes a blatant abuse of trust! All we would ask is that when the local authority spend our money, we get some value for money and improvement in the places where they spend it. However, all too often this is not the case. All the schemes listed below have introduced problems that weren't originally there. All of the locations worked better before the implementation of these schemes. All are life-degrading, inefficient and green unfriendly. An unnecessary waste of ill-affordable public money to make life worse!

Bridge Road Roundabout
A request to implement a roundabout at the junction of Bridge Road and Northend Road, so as to aid access in and out of Slade Green and reduce traffic on the minor residential roads in the community. As it stands residents, visitors and workers alike have to go exactly one mile out of their way to get onto Slade Green. This amounts to thousands of unnecessary miles every year! Sometimes having to sit in a half a mile traffic jam before being able to loop round the Larner Road roundabout.

This junction has now been modified by TFL at significant cost and months of inconvenience to both residents, workers and through traffic. The modification has been done simply to suit the bus drivers, who complained about having to go around the Thames Road roundabout and back. A problem compounded by the unnecessary additional traffic lighting on the roundabout, which causes the roundabout to clog up. Absolutely no consideration has been given to the thousands of people who live and work on Slade Green. They still have to go the extra mile out of their way down to Larner Road and back because there is still no right turn into Slade Green. A simple roundabout would have done the job for everyone, as we pointed out to Bexley Council in 2001. However, it seems that for those that manage our roads, this would have been was just a little too sensible!

Plantation Road
In this little dead-end back street alone we have had three traffic management issues where common sense and majority public opinion have been completely ignored and trodden down by our local authority to negative effect for the residents. Making life more difficult for the people whilst sticking one's fingers in one's ears should not be the goal of our local authority, who, as they arrogantly go about their business, seem to forget they are employed by the people to serve the people, not to walk all over them!

Pavement Parking Bexley Borough
Looking at the problems instituted by the poorly thought out footway parking ban enforced by Bexley Council to their monetary advantage. Despite what they say, their argument doesn't stand up and it appears more likely that this scheme was primarily engineered to just to make more money out of the public.

Slade Green Traffic Calming
Proposed Traffic Calming scheme for Slade Green.

Howbury Lane
Proposed priority give-way scheme and another pointless waste of money causing more inconvenience to the road user, more congestion, more pollution, more noise pollution and more vehicle wear and tear.

Crayford High Street
A request to restore the two lane approach down Crayford High Street, that is the hill as, since the Council changed it some years ago, congestion has been seriously compounded.

Bexley Council - Promoting Parking Piracy
It has become quite obvious in recent years that Bexley Council have adopted an underhanded policy of making more money through compounding and exploiting the parking difficulties people have. They have moved the goalposts and changed the rules to suit themselves in order to maximise exploitation by painting more and more double yellow lines and introducing a pavement parking ban, whilst at the same time have done absolutely nothing to improve parking in the so called 'hotspots'. They then send out their army of wardens and even smart cars to suck the money out of people.

Crosstalk by Taz...

The Creature

Bexley Council - Not Listening To You
Not listening to you. Not working for you!