We have seen a gradual and underhanded implementation of 20mph speed limits in many places in the UK, with decisions being made 'on behalf of the general public'. With the Welsh Government's decision to now introduce blanket coverage in ALL built-up areas in Wales, this issue and others are highlighting our own issues in the UK with tyranny, authoritarianism, human rights and the lack of democracy!

NO VOTE! Many people agree with 20mph speed limits outside schools, however, rolling them out across vast areas is neither considered efficient or helpful by most people. As we listen to the dictators, who ignore the democratic strength of public opinion, and the financial implications, including the cost to business (inevitably passed on to the poor), we have to contend with the undemocratic enforcement of ULEZ, low traffic neighbourhoods, inefficient bus lanes, nonsensical priority give way schemes, totally unnecessary traffic lights, road humps, etc. All disagreeable, problematic things that people have had no say in and NO VOTE on.

A Form Of Rape! The dictatorial crusaders, imposing their rules and penalties on a disagreeing public, want people to get used to being made to do what they don't agree with. Enforcing policies that the majority of people do not agree with is an abuse and a violation. Metaphorically speaking, a form of rape. Rape is crime! That is, forcing yourself and your unwelcome ways on individuals without their consent! Sticking it up people without their permission! Just like other authoritarian nations, that we in the UK often criticise, we are ignoring people's human rights, and the right to say no! The majority of people do not want 20mph speed limits, or any of the other negative-impacting things that have been imposed upon us, but where is our democracy?

Child Education: Those in favour of 20mph speed limits talk about reducing child casualties. However, the roads, as the railways, are not a playground and much can achieved through education. Children have to be educated to be streetwise and this, and the resultant child-awareness, can always be improved. Children have to be taught to be responsible in all areas. It's part of growing up. Life is full of dangers. Education can help eliminate those dangers. We could certainly place more emphasis on this rather than impeding the efficiency of our roads and a working society at such a high cost and impediment. It has also been suggested to our own local authority in the past, that more fencing could be utilised in places to help protect children in vulnerable areas. Bexley Council's response? It's not popular. No, neither is a 20mph speed limit with not a pedestrian in sight.

Children In Bed? Locally, across the Bexley Borough and those adjacent, we have already seen some 20mph zones implemented. However, in many such places, you are lucky if you see any pedestrians at all, never mind young children. There are simply none about. It makes a complete nonsense of the argument. Also, at night children are generally at home and in bed, so no danger there either! Is it still going to be 20mph? We know the authorities are corrupt. They lie through their teeth to suit themselves and they use motorists as cash-cows. The evidence is overwhelming. Those corrupt authorities will simply be seeing pound notes in their pockets.

Going To Pot! Life is difficult enough for many people and they are busting a gut to try and make ends meet. They're stuck in traffic much of the time, directly as a result of seriously inept traffic, logistic and people management. Over-populating areas beyond their capacity to cope. It already makes life impossible at times. Time is money, and that's before we get to the fines and being exploited. A friend of mine was penalized for doing 21mph in 20mph zone in Camberwell. He was given no leeway. It resulted in a fine and the option of points, or a speed-awareness course, which he also had to pay for! Society is going to pot.

Justifying Tyranny? Politics Live (BBC 18/09/23) stated that the 20mph change in Wales is estimated it will cost the Welsh economy £4.5 to £9 billion over the coming years, as well as £33 million to establish the scheme. Listening to Lee Waters MS on the programme, the Deputy Minister for Climate Change for Wales, trying to justify the Welsh Government's blatant disregard for people's feelings, opinion and preference (61% NOT in favour), trying to persuade us all that this change is only going to cost the average car journey 1 minute (never mind the fines). He said, "What is the cost of a family being spared the grief of a dead child? For example." Well, you could certainly save a lot of children, help a lot of families and achieve a lot of useful education for £9 billion. PLUS, you won't be denying democracy and upsetting the people paying your wages.

Another Backward Step! The Deputy Minister talked about saving lives and preventing injuries. However, the pressure people are now under as result of inept and inconsiderate management contributes to a considerable increase in stress and road rage. People are losing it out there. And that's before we get to the financial implications and the resultant financial stress on people who are already hard pressed. He talks about savings for the NHS, but stress is also a killer. We need to properly plan our logistics, make traffic processing as efficient as possible and get people from A to B, on and off the road, as quickly as possible. If you can shave 10 minutes off of every 30-minute car journey, you'll instantly have a third less traffic on the road. However, everything the authorities have been doing in recent years has been achieving the opposite.

Whose Fault? Last night (19/09/23) I witnessed a car driver angrily leaning on his horn because a young girl had walked out in front of his car without looking. The way he was behaving, as he shouted abuse at her through his open window, anyone would think it was HER fault. But NO! She was crossing between a line of congested cars and was then looking the right way towards potential oncoming traffic, as you would expect her to do. HE was driving on the wrong side of the road, to try and get to a right turn (Newbery Road) that he couldn't get to because he was stuck in a congestion tailback that never used to be there. This NEW congestion is due to TfL and Bexley Council's arrogance, ineptitude and incompetence, as they spent £950,000 of public money on a junction modification scheme, which has just made things much worse than they used to be. They too ignored public opinion and the democratic vote (66% against). They also ignored good advice and a better solution.

IT'S SO BORING! I personally consider that I drive quite sensibly and safely and I personally would not want to have to drive everywhere at twenty miles an hour. I tried it once coming back through North London, and I feel sorry for the people that live there. It's a real challenge and a pain in the arse to drive so slowly for any distance. Motorists are actually much more in danger of falling asleep at the wheel. IT'S SO BORING! Every few hundred yards was a speed camera (well I never). However, if the majority of people wanted it, I would accept it, because that's democracy! The thing is about people we have in charge, they don't really understand democracy and they always think they know best, as they spend public money implementing and enforcing their ways, and yet, look at the state of the world. It's a mess! And the UK is no better!

Rogue Traders! This kind of narcissistic attitude and establishment arrogance from those who are actually PAID TO SERVE, has got to stop! The bottom line is that all rules, laws and policies that affect everybody in society, should be decided by everybody in society. Nowadays, there is no excuse. The democratic view should NOT BE IGNORED! Unfortunately, there is, ingrained in our social management structure, as with much of world, a tyrannical and blatant disregard for public opinion, the democratic will and for the people ultimately footing the bill (and having to contend with the consequences). We have rogue traders at the helm! And it is time we had a change!