Sport and Leisure

Recreational Use Of School Sports' Facilities
A request to make school sports' facilities more available for use by the tax-paying general public. Why let them sit in an idle state when they could be being used constructively so as to provide more opportunity to the general public? The general public are very short of sporting facilities and too many schools do nothing with their facilities when the children go home at four-o-clock. We could, therefore, be doing a lot more with the facilities to benefit people rather than letting them just sit there and not be used.

Bring Down The Cost Of Sport
To put emphasis on bringing down the cost of sport for children. People who come to visit this country cannot believe how much it costs to access sporting facilities in this country compared to what they pay at home. Often they pay nothing at all as the state provides facilities free of charge in order to try and encourage children to become involved and to excel. Perhaps we have many lessons we can learn from the way other countries go about training and upbringing their sporting heroes. One thing is for sure we should not be pricing ourselves out of the sporting arena.

Replay Technology In Football
With the amount of money resting on the outcome of modern games and for the sake of fairness, many people feel that it would be right to exploit TV replay technology to the full and completely eradicate wrong decisions.

Clamp Down On Fouling And Faking
A request for the Football Authority to initiate a practice of penalising players, in retrospect, when caught on camera shirt pulling, or for deliberately trying to fake offences in order to get opposition players booked. The aim being to try and eliminate both kinds of this undesirable behaviour from the game of football altogether.

License Airguns
A call to tighten up the law and license airguns, on the basis that they do more harm than good, and when they fall into the hands of minors, which they inevitably do, they become responsible for a considerable number of otherwise unnecessary injuries to people and animals.

Revise Rod Licencing Laws
A call for the Environment Agency to revise the angling licencing laws to allow people to use three rods on one licence, instead of the current two, or alternatively to produce, a three rod licence at a cost of no more than one and a half times the normal two rod licence.
Finally implemented 2017.

Race Track Days Given The Black Flag
Track days at race tracks such as Brands Hatch are being put in serious jeopardy due to overzealous local councils kowtowing to winging residents. But if you don't like the noise, why buy a house next to a race track...?

Race Track Days Given The Black Flag
Track days at race tracks such as Brands Hatch are being put in serious jeopardy due to overzealous local councils kowtowing to winging residents. But if you don't like the noise, why buy a house next to a race track...?