Be Useful And Beneficial: With all the talents and abilities we have, there are many things a person can do in this world. Some are creative and enhance and improve the quality of life. Some are destructive and degrade and impair the quality of life. If we are looking for direction and things to do in life, it is obviously better for our society if we choose from the list that is creative and positive and get into doing something useful and beneficial, rather than anything that will cause harm or hurt others.

Creative Or Destructive? It's true to say that life on Earh would be so much nicer for everyone if we all did creative and positive things, perhaps picking up a guitar, a tennis racket, a fishing rod, or a paint brush, instead of a knife or a gun. Being destructive is not very clever and it's not very nice. Nevertheless, people choose to be so, for various reasons. Destructive actions are often down to undesirable influence, bad direction, and bad example, in some parts of the world, even from those who rule!

We All Pay Somewhere: We all learn at each other’s expense, especially when we make mistakes. When we make a mistake, it normally costs someone, somewhere, something. But that's life, and that's the learning process, and that is perhaps why we're all here. That is also perhaps why it is important to learn to forgive, because none of us are perfect and we have all wronged someone at sometime. However, we can only be forgiven if we have learnt our lesson.

A Decent Society: We should be able to learn from our mistakes and avoid making the same mistakes over and over, however, some people choose a life where they are constantly and deliberately making the same mistakes, causing problems for others. People who choose to behave like this can have no place in a decent society, because, by what they choose to do, they will always spoil things.

Be Positive: If we have any control over ourselves, it's a much better option to try and be positive, creative, and beneficial to others. Even if we were to find there is no life after death, the rewards for doing things to help others in this world are still great, and much more enjoyable than the miserable alternatives. And if you are suddenly faced with life after death in this world, that is quantum life, it will certainly be a much nicer experience for you if you've done your best in this world and can therefore be invited into paradise.

Crucial Ingredients: As far as our society on Earth is concerned, the only way forward is to persuade people not to choose from the negative list. However, this is a massive exercise which involves example and education. Lessons still need to be learnt right at the very top, before we can properly address problems further down. Conditioning people with the right sort of experiences and making sure that everyone is happy are crucial ingredients and that means dealing with what are currently mankind's major flaws, flaws which are prominent right at the very top.