Slade Green

Slade Green is a fairly typical residential community but also has some elements of industry. In the past this included the less than ideal placement of a few large warehouses, including the main 24/7 warehouse serving Boots. This meant for many years residents had to put up with large articulated lorries driving through the heart of the community at all times of day and night. Thankfully, these warehouses have now been relocated.

House prices have always been a bit more affordable in Slade Green than in other parts of the Bexley Borough, making it attractive to first time buyers. It's always been a nice community in which to live and many residents have lived happily here for many decades.

Unfortunately, over the years we have had a number of problems with our local authority. Residents have been ill-considered and abused, having their viewpoints ignored and their feelings walked all over. In recent times this has got even worse. I was told by someone from the local authority that because the majority of Bexley councillors are Conservative, and living in more affluent parts of the borough, Slade Green and its residents are considered to be low priority.

As well as walking all over people's feelings against the grain of common sense and the democratic will, Bexley Council have been devious and underhanded in their behaviour for the purpose of achieving their hidden agendas, behaving in a way that is wholly unsatisfactory and unbecoming of people who put themselves forward to serve the public.

More information on Bexley Council's undesirable behaviour can be found at Bexley Is Bonkers

Bexley Council's Devious Growth Strategy
Bexley Council covert and devious plans to rob people of their homes and build all over parts of Slade Green to make lots of money out of Crossrail.

Traffic Management Issues
Traffic Management Issues relevant to Slade Green and the surrounding area.

Traffic Scheme Analysis Programme
A series of enquiries aimed at getting some explanation from the authorities as to why certain traffic schemes that the public find disagreeable and nonsensical have been implemented. We look at some of the reasoning behind the implementation of the various schemes and the cost involved and whether it can be seen to be justified.

Howbury Centre - How to Bury A Community Oasis
How to bury and valuable community facility and oasis under concrete and more housing. As Bexley Council wheel and deal blinded and mesmerized by pound notes, disregarding the residents on Slade Green, our facilities are run down and our quality of life ruined as we are robbed gradually and systematically of facilities and green space for the purpose of them boosting their coffers.

Plantation Road

Problems faced by residents due to Bexley Council's attitude.