A New True Religion

A new true modern religion, non-oppressive, non-dictatorial, uncorrupted by any church, sect, religious elders, or ancient writings.

Most people can understand that religion is a manmade concept and, although inspired by God, it is not required by God. However, it can be comforting and rewarding and people like to get involved. Nevertheless, religion, as we know it, causes a lot of problems and much of it is simply manmade nonsense, not supported, or condoned by God in any way.

What is supported are the core fundamentals of raising awareness and human performance levels. Improving human decency and achieving the understanding that we are all a part of something greater. That is seeing and understanding the bigger picture. This is now crucially important, as our world has been significantly divided by small-minded men and their old-hat religions.

To get back to the true core fundamentals and remove the unsavoury elements from religion, a new true religion is not in any way consistent with any archetypal old-hat religion. It is more an up-to-date and evolved code of conduct, in tune with God and valid life-principles. Integrating the understanding of science and technology and the realisation that we ourselves are just that!

There are no rules or laws. There is simply a code of conduct, which we may choose to adhere to, or not, as the case may be! If we want the key to the kingdom and the freedom to roam, we must achieve a certain level of decency and reliable performance level, of our own freewill. That is we must know how to behave. We must know what is right and know that it is right to do right, because it is right!

ANT Religion Aims:

ANT Religion Is not just about mankind's relationship with the universe, but mankind's relationship with himself and the place where we live.

Personal Evolution: This unifying code of conduct is not about controlling people, or trying to control people. But instead, is about getting people to properly control themselves through having a good understanding. This is achieved through good education and good example. Giving encouragement to people to hone and improve individual performance levels through personal evolution and debugging.

Debugging: Human beings are programmable devices, and as such, must be loaded with suitable behavioural software to guarantee decent behaviour. All human beings have faults or bugs in their software. A core fundamental of all religions should be to encourage personal evolution and honing of behavioural software to improve personal performance levels - debugging.

Understanding Right & Wrong: To hone our behavioural software takes effort and a recognition, or understanding, of right and wrong. Existing religions have not understood or helped this situation in any way. In fact, they have made matters worse, clouding issues in many areas, by promoting misinformation, bad behaviour and misguided examples. This is why existing religions are all different and do not agree.

Misinformation & Bad Behaviour: Much of the misinformation and bad behaviour in religion is based on the misinterpretation of ancient writings and the misguided opinions of the elders; bigoted old men, who dominate the various religious hierarchies. They impose their misguided beliefs, hold out their hands to take people's money and become very rich, but they do not help the world unite! Quite the reverse!

One Divide: A New True Religion only recognizes one divide, and that is between good and bad. This is simply defined by whether we leave a smile on people's faces, or a trail of victims. There is no need to complicate things any more than that!