A Skeleton Of Truth - Good Or Bad!

Functional Software: All human beings rely on functional software to operate, as does all life. This software falls into two categories, firstly, nature's basic. This is our basic operating system, operating subconsciously in the background and controlling all of our bodily functions. Every human being comes with this preinstalled, passed on in our genes and our DNA. This software is responsible for construction and automated functions. That is the assembly, or building of a human being, and the operation of our basic automated systems and repairs. The subconscious stuff we don't have to think about that keeps the body alive and well and keeps the heart beating.

Performance Software: Secondly, we have our performance software. This is software that is loaded subsequently from birth in the form of learning, or life-experience. This is the information we are fed and take in via our senses. The quality and validity of this software is crucial. Personal performance software encompasses our behavioural software and ability or skillset software. Our personal behavioural software and programming, affects whether we are able to behave in a nice, or a not nice way. That is whether we can behave with decency, or conversely, if we behave in a way that is unacceptable. Personal ability or skillset software dictates our performance and skill levels in vocations, arts, crafts, sports, hobbies and interests. The things we learn to do and can become good at in life if we put the effort in.

Bugs: As human beings, we all suffer from faults. Faults are effectively bugs in our performance software that prevent us from reaching higher performance levels. Personal evolution, or improvement, is about refining our performance software to eradicate these bugs and up our performance levels. Raising the bar. We are all tested in life, the harder the test, the more likely we are to fail due to faults or short-comings in our performance software. All programmable software, data, or information can be corrupted. Corrupted data adversely affects our thinking and consequently our performance levels. Wrong, or bad thinking results in low-performance, as one may expect. The world is full of wonderful things to do, and yet so many people have been / are sucked into picking up a rifle, running round causing problems for others. This is not very clever! Using God-given talents and facilities to do harm to others in any way, will only end in one place, and it's not very nice!

In Formation. Information is critical in the formation of a human being. The clue is in the word (in formation). The information we are fed in our development is everything we ultimately become and also dictates the purity of our being, and ultimately, the purity of our spirit. Human beings are effectively programmable devices. Like any programmable device, we can be filled with quality software and quality information. Positvie things. We can also be fed, or filled with, crap. Misinformation, lies, bad behavioural software, and even malware. Software that means we will innevitably cause problems for others.

Conscious Choice. As human beings, we have a conscious choice as to the quality of the information and software we install and retain. That is what we take in and allow to affect us. This may of course be influenced by others, our parents, our teachers,our friends. People who may well try and persuade us to go in one direction or another. Also those others in society and organisations, such as politicians and religious leaders. We are all open to influence, and much of what we hear in this world will be crap, which if allowed to, can cause us to malfunction, sometimes to extremes. It is responsible for wars and all the other bad things that we see when human beings go off the rails and self-destruct.

Healthy Eating: Information is just like food. When the human body when it takes in food, in order to be healthy, it has to extract the nutrients and the 'goodness' and excrete the crap. When we are fed information, we have to do exactly the same. We have to work out what is healthy 'eating' and what isn't. What is good behavioural software and what isn't. What is 'goodness' and what isn't. Religion should be helping us in this area, unfortunately, it is itself corrupt and the behavioural software it instils or installs in people, is often wrong and corrupted to begin with. Some of what we take in, if allowed to persist, causes human beings to malfunction and go off the rails. Old religions may have blamed this on the Devil. Now we can see it is effectively corrupted behavioural software, virus or malware that causes such problems in human beings. They are effectively infected, or lacking a moral framework.

Good Or Bad? There is only one criterion that really matters and that is the measure of whether we are good or bad. Many people have their own definition of what is good and bad but people are also misled and misinformed by many of the things said and portrayed inaccurately as 'bad' in different religions. A simple measure of whether we are getting it right or not is to ask ourselves if we leave a smile on people's faces. Alternatively, do we leave a trail of victims? If we are the former, we are on target, if we are the latter, we need to change our ways!

Things Contrary To Good...

If you can answer yes to any of the above, there is certainly some room for improvement.