A Skeleton Of Truth - Finding Your Way!

Religion is supposed to help guide us. However, misunderstanding and misinformation in religion currently causes significant problems. People think religion requires a compliance to a multitude of different things, which all vary significantly from religion to religion.

Many of the things listed are currently 'enforced' in religion. They cause conflict and lead to people to being ostracized. They can involve abuse, bullying, imposition, child abuse and even murder. It shouldn't need to be said, but unfortunately it does! This is not the will of God!

Some of these things impact our God-given freedom of choice with people being forced and coerced into being a certain way by others who wrongly think they have the right to impose their own erroneous and misguided ways, even punishing people if they don't comply.

God doesn't have a problem with these things, and why would he? He's bigger than that!

   There is no requirement to dress in any particular way, it is entirely up to you
Although various religions and leaders of religions adopt certain styles and dress codes, haircuts, hats, beards, robes, etc, there is no requirement to dress any particular way. Dress code is strictly a matter for individual choice. And why wouldn't it be!

   There is no requirement to marry, but do so if you wish
Although many religions have encouraged marriage over the years, marriage is a manmade institution. Marriage has become a tradition that many people choose to undertake, however, as we all know the, important commitment of love is in the heart and marriage is no real guarantee of a lasting commitment or happiness. We should do what makes us happy and make the most.

   There is no requirement not to divorce
Marriage is not the be all and end all, as many of us eventually find out in life. Therefore, it is important to be able to move on if and when circumstances change and call for it. Preferably in a grownup fashion!

   There is no requirement to sexually mutilate young children of either sex by circumcision
Mutilation of young children's sexual organs is a very disturbing and unfortunate tradition and a serious form of child abuse. Abuse of any kind is completely wrong. It is not very clever doing it in the name of God! If God had wanted it, we would have born that way!

   There is no requirement to attend church, but go if you wish
Church provides a lot of comfort for many people but it is a voluntary thing that helps some people. Church groups also provide a social environment and a sense of camaraderie and belonging and can help people in many ways, especially at difficult times.

   There is no requirement to not be gay
We are allowed to be true to ourselves. God makes us the way we are for a reason and it's no one else's business. If you have a problem with people being LBGT you need to sort yourself out. People who behave badly towards others because they are LBGT are in the wrong.

   There is no requirement to not enjoy sex
Sex is for pleasure and recreation as well as for procreation. Ever since religion began, people in religion have had hang-ups about sex which they want to impose on others. The hang-ups are theirs. Let them not infect or corrupt everyone else with them.

   There is no requirement to marry a virgin, or be a virgin when you marry.
It is not a sin to enjoy sex, or to enjoy sex outside of marriage. In fact when it comes to marriage, it can be argued that it makes sense to make sure you are sexually compatible before tying the knot. Afterall, sex is quite an important part of any healthy relationship.

   There is no requirement to not use contraception
Contraception is an essential aid for avoiding unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases and it is wrong of anyone to say that we shouldn't be using it. There are enough children in this world that we can't look after as it is. We don't want to be adding unplanned pregnancies to that and we do not need more people being infected with sexually transmitted diseases either.

   There is no requirement to not have a blood transfusion
There is nothing wrong with saving life, in fact quite the opposite. If someone needs a blood transfusion, it is ridiculous and wrong for anyone to say this is not allowed and deny a life-saving opportunity, especially blaming it on God. That is a sin!

   There is no requirement to observe or celebrate religious dates and festivals, but do if you wish
Observation and celebration of times and dates is up to individuals.

   There is no requirement to oppress, bully or force opinion on anyone
Let people make up their own mind. That's how God intended it to be.

   There is no requirement to deprive anyone of their freewill
God gave everyone freewill. It is for no man to take this away. Let people do what they want to do, if they're not hurting anyone else.

   There is no requirement to demean or oppress women
Demeaning and oppressing anyone is wrong and no less so just because a person is female. No one has the right to behave in this manner towards anyone, regardless of which sex they are.

   There is no requirement to prevent others from leading their own life
Religion gives some people the impression that they have the right to tell others how to live their lives, even backing it up with bullying, or ostracization. No one has a right to behave like this. It is not their life to live and it is better to get one's own house in order.

   There is no requirement to kill on behalf of God!
It is hard to imagine how anyone can be sucked into believing that God is about killing people. Anyone that hurts, kills, or promotes death and misery in the name of God will not find it easy to face up to what they have done.

   There is no requirement dish out punishment on behalf of God!
So many people think they have the right, and that somehow it is appropriate to punish others who don't fit with THEIR idea of what THEY think God should think. Snobbishness, ostracization, physical and mental abuse. Completely inappropriate behaviour. It is not up to individuals to decide God's opinion or to dish out punishment on behalf of God. People who do are completely in the wrong and somewhat missing the point.

   There is no requirement to pray, but if you wish, reflection and assistance can help at times
Reflecting and searching inside one's being is essential on the road to self-improvement and sometimes a bit of spiritual help can benefit us all. Meditation, prayer and contemplation are all positive and useful aspects on the road to enlightenment. Even if we choose not to pray for help or inspiration, it certainly helps for us to consider who we are, what we may have done, where we want to go in life and what we may ultimately want to become. Facing up to the truth within is the only way to deal with these things and raise the bar.

   There is no requirement to support any particular football team
Religion is, and should be, an individual choice, just like supporting a football team. It should not be forced upon anyone. People should be free to make up their own mind. As with football teams, the rivalry that exists between religions divides mankind right across the globe. However, religion should not be dividing man, it should be uniting man. As God would say, there is only one Mankind United!
Religion and Football

   And God sayeth unto man...
"Be nice, be decent and be kind to one another, and look after what you have been given!"