London's burning! I can see the flames so far away!
My head is spinning! I don't remember yesterday!
All I see for miles and miles is dust and smoke and fire!
Buildings flattened everywhere and mushrooms climbing higher!
All around, smashed up on the ground, the devastation lies!
The sky so black, echoes the sound of people's cries!

There was no warning! Nobody had a chance to hide!
They caught us napping! Took us completely by surprise!
Can you hear the screams and shouts? A baby's crying there!
So many bodies, dead and dying everywhere!
Total confusion, for the left alive despair!
And as I breathe the radiation fills the air!

You said! You said! that we would never see this day!
You stupid bastards gone and blown it all away!
Wasn't there anything that anyone could say?
Who set the price? The price the people have to pay!

My flesh is burning, I can feel the blisters on my skin!
My head is splitting, I can feel my mind is caving in!
Christ what is this? What is happening to me?
I feel the pain, my flesh is searing agony!
My eyes are burning up and I can hardly see!
Oh God! Just let me die! Just let me be!