What are you doing Son! Going in the Army?
What are you doing Son? Going in the Army!
What's happened to you? There's other things you could do!
You know the evils of war! What are you doing this for!?

What are you doing Son? Going in the Army!
What are you doing Son? Going in the Army!
Tell me that it's not true! I couldn't stand to lose you!
After losing your dad! You make me feel really bad!

What are you doing Son? Going in the Army!
What are you doing Son? Going in the Army!
You'll be leaving me home! I'll be here all alone!
To worry out of my mind! How could you be so unkind!?

You know we're not playing games! You know I'll suffer the pains!
Don't you care at all? How could you be so cruel!?

So! You've made your mind up! And nothing I say will change it!
You're on your own now! It's up to you now to make it!
I wash my hands of you! You knew I would!
You knew I wouldn't see! Or that I should!
But even so, I'd rather be with you!