This world was made, with enough for everyone
Enough for all to please
But even so, we see what some have done
To bring this world down to its knees

It seems that some still don’t behave
Despite all said, through the years
They still ignore the words, said meant to save
Carry on regardless, causing tears

Do we think that this is how, life is meant to be
All this manmade suffering, the pain and misery
Is this the best that we can do for our humanity?
Look at the awful state of Earth society

The greed is rife, religion is a mess
There is no true democracy
Thugs in power, bully and oppress
Won’t let the people just be free

It is so sad, some still behave like animals
Causing problems everywhere
The difference is, that men should have some morals
But some on Earth, just don't care

All that we have, some don’t appreciate
The sanctity of life, that which they violate
They disrespect this Earth and their fellow man
Now the time is running out for them to understand

Heaven is for those that know how to behave
They are the ones that we can save
There is no place, for those who do us wrong
Or those who cannot get along

It is a must that we can all be friends
So, now’s the time to make amends
Fill your heart with warmth and decency
And you’ll be sure to find the key, sure to find the key