So you feel alright, as you turn the screw
You know for sure that you have chosen this to do
It's the way you are, how you choose to be
And for all that you do you hold responsibility
For the lives you take, the mistakes you make, others pay
For every imposition you have left in your wake
For the trust in you that you have abused
For every single man, woman and child you've ever used
So you feel alright, as others bleed
You turn your back on so many people's need
And the little ones that you could help to feed
D'you feel so cosy as you wallow in your greed
If you could feel would you do what you do?
If you could see someone else's point of view
If you could care what you do or to who
If you could think as you blindly break the rules
And so you could have been, just a yes machine
That has no other choice, cos it's programmed to stay clean
Like a cat and dog, or a snake in the grass
You can be the brains or you can be the arse
We can put you through anywhere that we've been
So if you're good, much good is what you win
And if you're bad, if you are really mean
You'll know how it feels to feel the worst that we have seen
Could you ever feel, could you ever care?
And would you try if you want me to be fair
I can forgive, this for sure you can expect
If you can learn just to have respect, respect, respect