Fact: You can programme a human being to do anything, even to self-destruct, blowing themselves up in amongst a crowd of innocent people. We are potentially that stupid. However, it doesn't have to be this way. Education, that is the right education, is paramount. Any software will go wrong when it gets infected with malware. In humans, it simply means we are creating deviants and malbeings, intent on wrongdoing.
Bad Information: We know this is a global problem, but charity begins at home. For the majority of these people the reason they behave the way they do is because they have been programmed, or indoctrinated, with bad information or software. Bad ideas! They have been unable to recognise this in themselves and, therefore, find it quite acceptable to behave the way they do, as they begin causing problems for others.
Major Problem: For decent people in this world, the deviants and malbeings represent a major problem, as they result in a lowering of the tone and quality of life for everyone. The aim of this programme is to try and re-educate, that is to try and out-programme such bad behaviour. Dealing with the problems caused by religion and deprivation is a major issue in this objective.
Reprogramming: Re-educating, or reprogramming people, is a nicer more caring way to approach the problem than locking them all up. However, it must also be made clear that for people who do not want to change, or make the effort to change, there will be no future, as deviants and malbeings are not a useful or constructive part of any decent society in this world or the next. They will always cause more problems than they are ultimately worth.