Solving Earth's Problems

Strange? Earth is a planet of great wealth, beauty and variety - an oasis in the middle of an otherwise hostile environment of space. There is only one thing that spoils it! Mankind! Mankind is a greatly paradoxical animal. He is indeed most intelligent and capable of achieving great feats of engineering and yet somehow, so incredibly stupid all at the same time. He will bust a gut to save a single life, with many people becoming involved in a rescue operation, or caring act of charity, and yet kill, cause, or allow others to die, without a second thought. Mankind can be incredibly generous and yet incredibly selfish, to the power of life over death; and we are free to choose! The fact is, as planetary inhabitants we have absolutely everything we need on this planet. Enough for everyone to live and be happy. Yet, when we look around, we have to conclude that something is going drastically wrong, because the planet is an utter mess and a complete disgrace to evolved life.

Money Is God: What is wrong with it? For a start, there is only one true God, and that is money. Money is the only thing that everyone appears to value and hold in esteem. People also seem unable to want to share resources. Even though some have much more than they need, they still exhibit an unhealthy and obsessive compulsion to try and amass as much wealth and capital as they can. They do this even though they are depriving others in the process. Unnecessary greed is now so out of control, it is sucking the life out of the planet and destroying the lives of others! When it comes to the planet's appointed organizers, the politicians that we pay to order our lives, they cannot understand the problems that we face. It appears that they are only consistent at one thing, and that is failing to deliver what the people need when they need it. War still persists all over globe because people can't negotiate their differences, they can't live and let live, they can't respect the rights of others, they want to take what others have, or they just don't care. And death resulting from man's action and inaction is all around. However, all of the problems on this planet can be overcome and there are simply just two things that we need to do in order to solve them.

Respect For Individual Choice: Firstly, and perhaps above all else, we must respect the right of a person to choose for themself in matters which only affect the individual, letting them be on their own land. Secondly, we must share available resources fairly and without allowing ourselves to be contaminated by greed. Although these two things are fundamental and quite simple for some people, mankind in general has not been able to achieve them in thousands of years. If managed properly, there are enough resources on this planet to look after, and cater for everyone on it. All we need to do is share. That is, not be greedy. We must also live and let live without imposing our will unnecessarily on others. Imposition is wrong, and it causes upset and resentment. It also has a tendency to make people want to hit back!

Religion? What do we do about religion? As religion is such a mess, the simple solution is to take it out of the social-management picture. That is, don't let it get in the way of common sense and common decency. People cannot agree on what is 'right' in religion, and as we don't need it to establish common sense, or common decency, it causes more problems than it cures. It's out of tune with itself and with God, and is just another excuse for people to argue and fight. If you believe in God, but don't think this is a good idea, let me say that God is about truth (so we are told), and there is no room for argument in truth, only truth. Therefore, God cannot be about argument and disagreement. Likewise, anything that causes argument and disagreement in God's name, cannot be true and cannot represent, or be about God, but just people's misinterpretations of what is true. We don't really want inaccuracy and misinformation dictating what we can and can't do. Religion, in places, really does inspire nonsense and even bring out the Devil in man. Nothing to do with God. Just men using God as an excuse to abuse!

Ye T? What do we do about war? The simple solution is to respect a person's right to choose for themself and leave people alone on their own land. No one man can fight a war. War is caused by those who want to misbehave and suck others in to support them. It is always the women and the children that have to pay the price of the stupidity and the folly of their men, and what is it that is so farcical about war? Simply that the people that start the war are never the ones that go and fight it. In fact, they don't fight at all. They just volunteer others. However, if the people of the planet say no to war, there will be no more war. As a planet, we need to wake up. In places we have idiots in charge of nations. Idiots who really don't care about humanity, the people they are supposed to be serving, or the planet. We must begin to understand what is at stake. We must also change Earth's social management structure and begin to hold those leaders who deliberately misbehave and cause problems for the planet, seriously accountable! We must draw a line! Yes, perhaps we DO need a bit of help from the real powers-that-be and actual owners of this planet to reinforce this message! But, are we ready for it? Have we all had enough ye T?

Choice! Obviously, there is a lot more to life than meets the eye. We uncover things, new to us, all the time. Conscious life in our universe has been hinted at in may ways over the years, and there are significant clues, for those interested. For one, it is quite clear and apparent that conditions and life (when conditions were eventually right), have been engineered and put in place in this world. For a start, we are short of nothing (a rather large coincidence in itself). We can also now begin to see and understand much of the necessary mechanics. And that is before you really begin to properly analyse ALL the facts. Some people would dismiss life on Earth as chance, lucky coincidence, or whatever, which saves them from labouring their brains too much to contemplate the alternative. That way of thinking is definitely convenient for some. Why? Because the alternative implies 'terms and conditions' that perhaps do not suit the way that some choose to think and behave. However, just because they may find it inconvenient and 'choose' not to believe it, doesn't mean it isn't true! There is plenty of life in our universe, in fact, our universe is teeming with life. We, that is humanity on Earth, could actually be invited to the party, but only if we learn to behave, and that comes down to choice! It's still up to us!