Don't Take Life for Granted

We Have It All! Because we have it all on this planet, including an abundance of materials and substances to help engineer and fuel our evolution, it is very easy to take things for granted. Some people believe this is by accident and is sheer coincidence, some think it is by design. Planetary engineering and environment modelling to engineer a suitable life platform. Whatever the case we are incredibly lucky in this world to have what we have and it should be cherished and appreciated. Read on to note just some of the things that it takes for us to be standing where we are and thus far, despite man's destructive tendencies, in relatively good shape.

Life - Coincidence? When you look at all the things that have to be right in order for us to exist on this planet, the list is quite long and rather extraordinary. Take away one item on the list and we simply would not be here. This long list of vital ingredients in the precise makeup of the Earth and our solar system are crucial to the development and existence of life on Earth. Is it precision planetary engineering or just incredible luck?

Fantastic Abilities! It is very disappointing to look around the world and see some of the things that people do with their abilities and talents. Just because you have two arms and two legs doesn't mean you have to use them to beat people up and kick the shit out of them. You could pick up a guitar or a sports' racket instead. At times, it would do us all good to sit back and think about how lucky we are to find ourselves conscious with such marvellous abilities on such a diverse and beautiful planet. What more could you ask for, except perhaps a little bit of appreciation and respect for what have and are?

Unimaginable? It is perhaps not possible for us as human beings to truly appreciate all that has gone into our makeup. The engineering involved, the accumulation of knowledge of experience, and the processing and grading of all such information is somewhat incomprehensible and unimaginable for us. Events surrounding this planet alone go back so far, and are so involved, that even the scientists spend lifetimes having their minds boggled, never mind the rest of us. However, with a little bit of effort, we can all appreciate and observe the principles of what we have and begin to realise that we are very fortunate indeed. Mankind is still an immature dickhead at the moment, but when we get past that, this wonderful world will be our certainly be our oyster.

Precision Engineering? Overlooking the extraordinary abilities that each human being is equipped with as a matter of routine, for us to be here on this planet, enjoying a relatively stable existence, extreme precision engineering on a planetary scale has been necessary. Some of the following are factors that now know have had to be precisely right in order for humanity to exist on Earth. Extreme coincidence or precision planetary engineering?

Fuel For Thought! As well as everything else being just right, it is also interesting that our world has a bountiful supply of flint, wood, coal, gas, oil, and essential metals, ready and waiting. All extremely useful, and in fact essential, in order for us to progress and fuel our technological evolution and understanding. To say nothing of all the other things in nature we have been able to use or exploit. Coincidence? Just think, where would we be without them?