Common Interest

Nowhere To Hide! There are some things that we all have in common as human beings, regardless. All action and all inaction has ramifications. Any action or lack of action can cause or allow a change which can affect us all. Ripples that radiate outwardly and that ultimately, sooner or later, can touch any one of us. Nobody is immune and sometimes there is nowhere to hide.

Global Management: In any mechanism, social or mechanical, everything depends on the quality of management. Because Earth's management systems are currently autocratic, decisions ultimately being taken by one person, we need leaders of nations who understand the importance of the job they put themselves forward to do. Leadership and management is about looking after the people and the planet. It is not be about making yourself rich, or wasting resources on destruction, and yet how many of our leaders of nations understand this, or even care?

Human Diversity: There are many things that inspire human diversity in this world. Most of what divides mankind is simply in our minds. Individual belief, personal preference, language, perception of borders and nationality, religion, politics, etc. Much of this is subjective and relates to individual experience or upbringing. However, despite the differences in our programming and education, we all have an inescapable common interest in many things. All of which are crucial factors in ensuring our ability to survive and enjoy life!

The Bigger Picture: We have had, and still have, many problems in this world, most of which have been caused by idiots in charge. There is no excuse for the heartache and misery we see all around. It is simply a reflection of our faults and our wrongdoing. It is important that we start to see the bigger picture, understanding what unites us as individuals and what our individual needs are. A crucial step towards our ultimate survival and happiness on Earth. It is up to us, of course!

It is in our common interest...

Crosstalk By Taz...
The Real Enemy