All For One Voice

Programming Damage: As we have grown on this planet we have accumulated programming damage in the form of corrupt information. The technical term for this corrupt information is malware (some call it bullshit), and the effect that it has on humanity is that it causes wars, poverty and suffering. Most of the malware (or bullshit) emanates from those who have wormed their way into positions of power and who have bigoted, selfish, corrupt and egotistical views, which they then want to enforce on others.

Notably Worse: Once in power, they are able to truly abuse their position, as they have police forces and armies at their disposal to bully and oppress the masses and anyone who happens to object to their behaviour. Sometimes they want to start a war, using the masses at their disposal to try and achieve their damaging objectives. This results in the ordinary people being caught up in situations they would rather not be in. In our past history we have seen rather a lot of this and recent trends indicate that it is set to continue, as currently, the malware (or bullshit) is as prolific as ever. Rather than improving our situation on Earth, things have got notably worse.

Right And Wrong: The way things are and have been, presents us all with a complete and comprehensive education of good and bad experience. By now all of humanity should have seen enough to be able to know the difference between right and wrong, and the effects of such actions, although many choose not to act on it. As our lessons in life go on, our education for the Earth as a whole becomes nearer complete enough for all individuals to be able to make a conscious decision...

The Continuation Of Life - Yes or No?

Learnt Nothing? As we now stand it is time for each and every one of us to think about this and make that conscious choice. If we conclude that we have learnt enough to make the right choice, as humanity, as one mind, as one planet, as one body, one good; then we and our children may inherit peace on Earth and give worth to all the suffering and the effort that has gone before. Otherwise all that we have been through will have meant nothing, because we will have learnt nothing.

Realise The Following? Life on Earth has only just begun, but if we wish it to continue we must will it to be so. Mankind on Earth can achieve truly fantastic and presently unimaginable things if we can but realise the following in time...

As In Truth There Is Only One Truth

Evolved Life Forms Must Conclude

One Voice For Life For One Voice!