The Indirect Taxation Of The Ordinary People

Gross Manipulation: Obscene greed is rampant in our society and in the world at large, with a proportionately tiny number of people monopolising most of the wealth. In recent times in the UK we have seen a gross manipulation of circumstances by various governments, regardless of party, to suit these greedy people.

A New Buzzword: To justify some of their moves, in recent times the rich have coined a new buzzword, 'austerity'. This is designed to make the ordinary people think that they have got to pull their belts in and do more for less. However, austerity is another con that only affects the ordinary people whilst the rich and super rich have been getting comfortably richer still, with business as usual, exploiting the poverty that they have created.

Discrete Moves: As well as the manipulation of assets and the rigging of house prices to maximize profits, we have seen a number of 'discrete' moves by our governments, all designed to get more money out of the ordinary people and those who can least afford it whilst not affecting the rich in the slightest.

Blatant Child Abuse: It has been so bad in recent times that some people simply cannot afford to live anymore. We have seen people lose their homes, families being dependent on food banks and children going to school not having eaten because they have had no food to eat. This is blatant child abuse caused and sanctioned at the very highest levels in our society by our wonderful caring and compassionate government.

Obscene Greed: These problems are not due to famine or shortages on our planet, it is simply due to obscene greed and the ill-distribution of wealth by badly motivated puppet-like politicians and the greedy people that pull their strings. Every government and every household has to try and balance the books. However, whether this is done fairly and considerately in both society and household alike, makes a considerable difference to people's happiness, quality of life and potential fulfilment.

Indirect Taxation: Below are listed some of the examples of the moves in the form of indirect taxation that do not affect the rich but make life much more difficult, sometimes impossible, for the ordinary people in society...