
Lightening Bolt

Managing our energy needs and the needs of each individual without significantly damaging our planet or amassing significant amounts of poisonous waste should be a priority, as without energy we cannot properly function. There is an abundance of energy in our universe, all we have to do is learn how to tap into it. However, previously we have been more interested in investing in ways of destroying ourselves, rather than preserving, maintaining and managing. It's not hard to understand why we have problems with paranoia and mistrust when a single man can worm his way into power and be allowed to take the world on the road to self-destruction. However, perhaps now is a good time to shift our emphasis onto something more constructive that will benefit us all?

What Happened To People Power?
All people need energy, but as usual, the greedy elite in society have seized control of this as well as other public assets. Everyone needs access to energy at an affordable price and yet too many people still cannot afford the energy that is needed to function comfortably on a daily basis. Like many things, this needs to change! The people need the take control of their own power. Then we may be able to sleep at night knowing that all are comfortable and provided for! We also need governments to understand that it is unacceptable to allow essential services to be used as an exploitable mechanism to make the rich richer.

Crosstalk By Taz...
The Price Of Power...???

Small Power Supply Rethink?
Millions of devices up and down country now rely on separate plugin power supplies. Although these do not consume a great deal, when the devices they are powering are switched off, because they are a remote supply, unless they are switched off at the wall, they are still consuming energy 24/7. If power supplies are built into the devices, as they used to be, when devices are switched off, no power is wasted. Manufacturers can save a few pennies by using remote adapters but because we use so many now, when it is all added up, we are wasting substantial amounts of energy, which could be saved if power supplies were built in again.

A Call for Energy Companies to Lower Prepay Energy Tariffs
It is a sad fact of life that in so many financial areas the people who can least afford it, get penalised the most. Whether it be the banks or the energy companies, the financially kick a man when they are down policy seems to be as rife a ever. Would it really hurt the energy companies that much to bring their prepay tariff prices down in line with their direct-debit prices, bearing in mind that the people who have to opt for the prepay system are the people that find themselves eternally treading water to try and stay afloat in this corrupt and imbalanced society? They are already disadvantaged enough compared to many and a little more compassion from those that can afford it could make a big difference to those that can't. Given the inconvenience of the prepay system, the fact that people can be left stranded completely without power until they can organise a top up, and the fact that it is the most disadvantaged in our society that are forced to adopt this system, the price of prepay energy should arguably be the cheapest on offer and not the most expensive.

Fusion Reaction Should Governments Be Investing Much More In Fusion Energy Research?
Is it time for governments to invest more into cracking fusion energy as opposed to spending so much money on weapon's development. Bombs and missiles are not very helpful or constructive, however, abundant clean energy would be. Many scientists feel that we are only a few years away from cracking and producing fusion energy, which, as far as we can currently see, would completely solve the world's energy problems. We always seem to find the money and the drive when it comes to developing the power to destroy. Perhaps now is a good time to put the same emphasis on the power to create. An abundance of clean energy would also mean that people would not have to squabble and fight over control of the world's oil resources. That would be a breath of fresh air in itself!

Dartford Creek Power Bridge Sub Station Security & Power Backup
Correspondence with EDF Energy Networks regarding observations surrounding a major power cut in the Dartford area on July 20th, 2009. The loss of power to 94,000 homes and businesses was caused by an attempted theft of some very large copper cable, which ran over a power bridge spanning Dartford Creek. The thieves gained access to the remotely located bridge and lit a fire under the cable, to see if it was live and in use. The resultant meltdown caused an explosion resulting in a power outage which lasted for three days and caused serious problems for hundreds of thousands of people.