We Do Not Want Untreated Sewage In Our Rivers

Cream Off The Top: Many people are now beginning to understand that privatisation is a con perpetrated by society's rich and greedy people. It usually means that investment isn't forthcoming when it should be and that profits are put before quality of service. It also means ordinary people pay more for a service that is less, as those who milk the public, cream off the top!

Illegally! There is perhaps no better example and evidence of this than in the water industry. Billions have been 'borrowed', literally embezzled for shareholders, whilst at the same time, there has been comparatively little investment into doing what we should be doing - managing our water and sewage. Instead, they pump raw effluent into our rivers and our oceans - illegally.

Killing The Ecosystem! In some instances, the damage goes beyond a higher price and a worse service, and involves damage to our planet and our planet's ecology, because those now running the company simply don't want to take responsibility, or be responsible. Our water companies are still discharging unacceptable amounts of raw sewage into our rivers and waterways, killing the ecosystem and the fish.

And It Has! It is important that we start to understand what we should be doing, and what we should not be doing, with regard to managing ourselves and our planet. When some people think money for their own personal indulgence is more important than our planetary health and our welfare, we are all in trouble. There are massive issues with preserving and maintaining the health of our planet. Unless we get our emphasis in the right places, it's only going to get worse - and it has!

Own House In Order! It is fair to say that some countries have it lot worse than the UK, when you look at the state of their rivers. However, we like to think that, in the UK, we're a little bit better. On that basis, perhaps we should be setting a better example and get our own house in order!