Alcohol vs. Natural Cannabis - Which is the Demon Drug?

If you came here from another planet, not knowing the situation, and were asked to pick which one of these two drugs was illegal, you would pick alcohol every time. There is simply no contest!

All drugs, legal or illegal, have positives and negatives. Good and bad points. Effects and side-effects. With some drugs the negative points far outweigh any benefits or positive points and so, naturally, they should be avoided. Although many of us like a social drink, and drink is fine up to a point, when it comes to alcohol and natural cannabis, which would you consider to be more the demon drug I wonder?

Incites violence and domestic violence Incites calmness, peace and tranquillity
Provokes inconsideration and thoughtlessness Provokes consideration and thoughtfulness
Causes people to get rowdy and behave like morons Causes people to lay back and take it easy
Can cause death through overdosing Cannot cause death through overdosing
Causes 10,000 UK deaths a year through alcohol related disease Does not cause death through cannabis related disease
Costs the NHS billions of pounds a year in alcohol related violence Does not cause any kind of violence
Costs the NHS billions of pounds annually in alcohol related disease Does not cause that kind of problem
Costs the police billions of pounds annually in alcohol related trouble Does not cause trouble for the police
A social drug that can have an anti-social effect on people A social drug that has no anti-social effect on people

The above table indicates that we may have made a considerable error of judgement. It would seem to indicate that society itself has been guilty of profound hypocrisy and behaved like a criminal, by persecuting those who have just wanted to exercise their God-given right. It also means we have wrongly led generations to believe that alcohol and tobbaco, with all of their negative factors, are the only social options, when this is far from true. Can we ever admit that we got it wrong and can the law win back some respect?