There are many advantages to legitimising all drugs, coupled with good education, thus allowing individuals an unimpeded, but educated choice. Bearing in mind that we currently legitimise two of the most problematic drugs known to man, the outlawing of others still causes considerable problems for many people. The current situation, grossly hypocritical and surrounded by fog, results in colossal amounts of wasted money, considerable suffering, increased criminal activity and unnecessary death. The current law is an infringement on individual human rights and forcefully takes away that which God intended all to have - freedom and freewill! It also diminishes respect for the law and our criminal justice system, which in itself is behaving like a crimininal. Can society ever accept that we have currently got it wrong?

Colossal amounts of money saved from the continuous futile battle to stop drugs arriving on the streets!
Across the world, the taxpayer currently foots a bill of billions of dollars every year in a futile effort to try and stop people getting the drugs of their choice. The fact is, it doesn't work and if you want it, you can generally get it. So, why do we waste so much money, badly needed in other areas, in trying to prevent people from getting what they want, when they can get it anyway.
Colossal amounts of revenue brought in from the legitimate sale of recreational drugs!
The global illegal drugs industry generates over 300 billion dollars a year. The amount saved from not fighting a war on drugs, plus the revenue generated from recreational drug sales (where appropriate), would make a massive difference to people in need. It would help towards eradicating poverty and would undeniably change the world for the better. Plus, it would ensure quality control.
Colossal amounts of police manhours saved which can be diverted to real crime!
The police are always up against it when it comes to manpower and dealing with real crime. Not wasting police manhours on the persecution of people for THEIR particular lifestyle choice will mean thousands of police manhours saved which can be used to help reduce REAL crime. Let's give the public more of the kind of service they would like and deserve and stop the persecution.
Nil deaths of army and police personnel as a result of the current war on drugs!
The current war on drugs and all the related animosity results in hundreds of deaths every week. Many of the people killed are police and soldiers on the frontline war against the drug cartels. People fight for their rights all over the world, always have and always will. We have to learn to live and let live! Dictating, bullying and oppression are not an answer. Education and leading by example are!
Nil deaths of civilians as a result of the current war on drugs!
It is not just those who participate in the drugs industry because they believe it is their right to do so, or those that try and stop them, that get killed in the battles, but many innocent civilians are also killed as a result of being caught up in the war on drugs. Children lose their parents and wives lose their husbands.
Eradication of drug gangs and market control gang-related violence!
Right from the top to the bottom, the lucrative spoils of the drugs industry cause many turf wars that result in death and injury. This struggle for control and supremacy would not exist in a world where drugs are legitimised and regulated.
Eradication of drug-related prostitution!
Many people unwittingly caught in the heroin trap are forced into prostitution as a means of dealing with the addiction and associated illness. Such addiction and illness should be recognised by the NHS and treated with the appropriate quality controlled drugs. It is wholly unnacceptable that people are forced into prostitution.
Eradication of drug-related theft!
Heroin addicts are often tempted into crime as a means of appeasing their symptoms. Treating drug addiction as an illness and giving addicts what they need when they need it will save other, completely innocent people, from becoming victims of drug-related theft.
Eradication of terrorist funding!
Currently the lucrative illegal drug's industry attracts terrorists, who see the considerable profits as a way of funding their activities. Personally, I would rather see such profits going towards helping the needy in this world than financing destructive activities.
Proper quality control on all drugs!
All legal drugs are subject to proper quality control. This guarantees consistency and safety. It also means that people know what they are getting. Obviously, where any drugs are concerned, this is crucially important.
Nil deaths from contaminated drugs!
Heroin mixed with brick dust; skunkweed peppered with shards of fibreglass to make it glisten like THC. When you buy drugs on the street, you don't always know what you're getting. Many people have bad experiences. Some are terminal due to perilous contamination. This would not be the case if all drugs were properly regulated.
Better drug education and understanding!
Getting the real truth into the open and doing away with the hypocrisy will help future generations of young people make the right choices. It is every person's right to make a choice, it is our responsibility, or should be, to make sure that choice is an educated one.
Safeguarding and protection of the Amazon rain forest!
Everybody is worried about the decimation of the Amazon rain forest, and for good reason. Twenty percent of it has already been destroyed. However, it is not hard to understand a man's wish to feed and protect his family. Legitimising the sale of cocaine would properly enable the indigenous people of South America to live comfortably and help fund the protection of this vital resource.
Eradication of the pollution currently resulting from illegal cocaine production!
There is no legitimate control over the way cocaine is produced at the moment. The production takes place in isolated labs hidden in the jungle. When the chemicals that are used to extract the cocaine paste from the coca leaves are finished with, they are just discarded and spilled into the land and river systems. Legitimate control over the production of the drug would eliminate this pollution completely.
Eradication of rain forest pollution currently resulting from widespread crop spraying!
The American government is currently continually bombarding many areas of the rain forest with poisonous chemicals from its crop spraying aircraft in an attempt to try and stifle cocaine production. This causes significant pollution of the environment, kills legitimate food crops and, as a result, causes a lot of resentment with the local people, who, as an unfortunate by-product, are also being poisoned by the chemicals as they are indiscriminately blown in the wind.
Substantial income and improved welfare for many of the poorest people and poorest nations in the world!
Some of the poorest people on the planet live in the countries that can produce recreational drugs, such as cannabis and cocaine. At the moment the farmers and producers get relatively little for their efforts, and although what they get is still better than for other crops, they would be much more rewarded if the whole situation was legitimised and properly managed.
Less temptation to resort to the highly addictive and highly damaging cheap homemade drug, Meth Amphetamine!
People will take drugs. They always have and they always will. It's an experience outside the norm and people do it for the same reason they go to the cinema or go hang-gliding. When a hideous drug such as Crystal Meth, that anyone can make at home comes along, it is impossible to stop people obtaining it. So, give them a preferable and safer alternative and educate them with the facts. The same applies to natural cannabis and highly potent skunk, or the highly problematic drug, and previously legal high, spice.
Reduced funding of organised crime and terrorist organisations!
Surely it is in everybody's interest to reduce funding of organised crime and terrorism and instead help the ordinary people in this world who are currently struggling.
Improved access to cannabis for medicinal purposes!
Some governments are at least starting to recognise, and allow people who require it, the benefits of legal access to cannabis for medicinal purposes. Perhaps a small step in the right direction. However, whether it be for medicinal, or for recreational use, this should simply be every adult's right if they so choose. After all, that's why God put it here!
Nil persecution of consenting adults!
Consenting adults should not be persecuted for personal lifestyle choices. Although the police are currently just following orders, it is the same kind of instilled conditioning that resulted in the persecution of the Jews. The Nazis were just following orders too. If a person is minding their own business and harming no other, they should not be persecuted or punished just because someone else doesn't like it.
Nil violation, resentment, and bad feeling!
When you have been turned over by the law, it feels like you have been raped. This is normally an offence in itself. After all, in your own heart, you know you are doing no wrong and you therefore wish others in society would just leave you alone. The fact that the law currently doesn't, causes considerable bad feeling and resentment amongst consenting adults who have a different belief.
Greater personal choice for free thinking individuals!
Many professional law-abiding people choose to participate in recreational drugs other than tobacco or alcohol and which are certainly no worse. At the moment, such recreational experiences put everyday people at risk of being persecuted by the law. Such everyday people in society are not criminals and should not be tarred as such by a law that is inconsiderate, disrespectful and tyranical.
Correct spiritual ethos, as God intended, i.e. the right of any individual to exercise their own freedom of choice!
When will we learn? God gave man freewill! We still do not seem to understand what this means. Most of the problems on this planet are brought about by those that interfere in the lives of others! You only have to look back through history and around the globe today to understand that nobody likes tyrants, thugs and bullies. After all, we all like to enjoy the benefits of a free world, and we all suffer when we can't, or are not allowed to by undesirable people in charge who like to throw their weight around!