UK Mobility Direct

On their website, UK Mobility Direct are based at 28 Jubilee End, Lawford, Manningtree, Essex, CO11 1UR, and this was originally the office address registered with Companies House. However, the registered office address for UK Mobility Direct with Companies House was for some reason then changed to 29 Greenbox Estate, Westonhall Road, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, Worcestershire, B60 4AL.

David Waters has his registered correspondence with Companies House as 29 Greenbox Estate, Westonhall Road, Stoke Prior, Bromsgrove, B60 4AL. This location appears to be related to a property management company and is some distance from Westminster Recliners at Felixstowe in Suffolk, or UK Mobility Direct at Manningford in Essex. The other registered address is for Courtney Symons and is at 145-157, St John Street, London, England, EC1 4PW. This in fact is a virtual office address now known and associated with being a front for fraudulant companies.

"The UK address. 145-157 St John Street, London, EC1V 4PY. According to a BBC report, this is the address used by a company which sells its use as a registered office address. Because there does not seem to be an obligation to check that users of the service are legitimate companies, criminals are attracted to it. According to the BBC, the address is in common use among fake companies operating "boiler room" fake share scams."

Sue Bashford, who answers the aftersales line for Westminster Recliners and spins a fanciful yarn or two, advertises herself as the Customer Service Manager for UK Mobility Direct on both her Facebook page and her online LinkedIn profile.

Other links...
Westminster Recliners Website - website taken down, company now in administration
UK Mobility Direct Website - website taken down, company now in liquidation

Companies House - Westminster Recliners
Companies House - UK Mobility Direct