Westminster Recliners

"The law needs to be simplified and improved in order to stamp out
this kind of low level fraud and exploitation of vulnerable people"

This morally bereft company sells adjustable beds and furniture targeting the elderly and the disabled. It advertises through leaflets in TV magazines inviting people to ring for a brochure. If you ring for a brochure they will try and talk you into having a demonstration visit from a rep. If you say you just want a brochure they may tell you they have temporarily run out so as to make you more likely to agree to a visit.

When the sales reps visit they will pretend to measure you up because they advertise, and like people to think that their products are custom made to order, which means they can charge much more for them and abuse the law, which changes with regard to deposit refunds for bespoke products. However, products are not generally custom made to order, they are available off shelf from various manufacturers in a variety of styles and sizes and at a fraction of the price this company charges.

The sales reps spend significant time pushing people into buying and persuade people to pay significant deposits. People who use the company's website to order a brochure and who provide their phone number, as requested by the website, are likely to receive a phone call from the company and the they will proceed in the same way.

People that cancel their orders within the cooling off period still don't get their deposit money back and have to pursue legal action to stand any chance. The company consistently lie about returning deposits to customers who have cancelled during their cooling off period, promising to act, but failing to do so. This is a crooked and morally bereft company that is blatantly breaking the law but are still being allowed to operate by the authorities.

A typical recent example of what customers face...

What Lies Beneath

David and Oliver Waters and associates have been getting away with taking advantage of elderly and disabled for many years it seems. Despite a number of court rulings against the company and the individuals concerned, the authorities seem to be powerless to stop them from operating. It is blatant fraud and a kind of theft and the individuals concerned should be locked up in order to protect the vulnerable people that they are preying on. However, the law is currently inadequate. The company leaves a trail of victims in its wake and causes very significant upset, worry and stress to vulnerable people, at a time in their life when they could well do without it. Such trauma can and does for some lead to permanent psychological damage, sleepless nights, and even premature demise. The elderly and disabled people they are targeting are being harrassed and pressurised into handing over significant sums of money when they would rather not and nobody is acting to stop them and other people like them. The law needs to change!

These people are also registered and trade as UK Mobility Direct, based at Manningtree in Essex and now, as of 2016, Anchor Mobility Limited. Many of the products on the Westminster Recliners' Website and the UK Mobility Direct Website are identical but have been given different names, however, the photos appear to indicate that they are in fact the same product.

Articles Detailing Previous Court Action Against Westminster Recliners

Ipswich Star - 12th March 2013
Felixstowe company duped the elderly and disabled

Ipswich Star - 17th December 2014
Salesman allegedly swore at woman when she tried to cancel order

Ipswich Star - 19th December 2014
Furniture firm bosses deny charges as court hears they were previously prosecuted

Ipswich Star - 20th December 2014
Furniture company bosses from Felixstowe refute claims salesmen were ‘prickly’

Suffolk Trading Standards - 12th March 2013
Suffolk mobility company plead guilty to criminal charges

Suffolk Trading Standards - 12th March 2013
Suffolk company fined for aggressive sales and keeping customers' cash

Suffolk Trading Standards - 19th January 2015
Manager of mobility company guilty of aggressive tactics

Suffolk Trading Standards - 20th January 2015
Mobility Company Guilty Of Aggressive Tactics

Other links...
Westminster Recliners Website (Website taken down. Company now in administration)
UK Mobility Direct Website (Website taken down. Company now in liquidation)
Anchor Mobility Limited

Companies House - Westminster Recliners
Companies House - UK Mobility Direct
Companies House - Anchor Mobility Limited