DRP - Debt Recovery Plus - Extortion Racket

Surrounding and backing up our modern-day carpark extortion rackets, we have their associated debt collection agencies, who continue the threats and intimidation, leaning on the ordinary people and upping the price demand to put their bit on top.

DRP Limited serve a number of so-called clients including...
Euro Car Parks, UKPC, CP Plus, Parking Eye, Premier Park, G24 and of course Smart Parking.

Typical correspondence content from DRP



Paying your parking charge of £160.00
Most people pay their parking charges straightaway, but a small number of people don't. We're writing to you because you've not yet paid our client, and they've now asked us to collect payment.

What you need to do to settle this matter
If you want to settle, you need to pay by 29/05/2018. You can pay online or by phone. Go to www.debtrecoveryplus.co.uk/pay or phone 0208 234 6775. Details of other ways to pay are on the back of this letter.

What if you want to settle but you're having problems paying
Please phone us on 0208 234 6775. We can talk about ways to make it easier and more affordable to pay, such as setting up a debit/credit card payment for your next payday, or agreeing a short term payment plan. When you phone, please quote our reference 5077547.

What if you don't think you're liable for this parking charge
The person liable for this parking charge is the person who was the driver when it was issued. In certain circumstances, liability can be transferred to the registered keeper. If you’re not sure that you’re liable, phone us on 0208 234 6775 and we’ll look in to it. If we don’t hear from you, we’ll take this to mean that you agree you’re liable for it.

What happens if you don't pay what you owe
If you pay in full or make arrangements to pay by 29/05/2018, this matter will be settled. If you don’t, we’ll recommend to our client that they take court action against you.

Important information - Supreme Court decision about parking charges
You’ve probably heard people say that parking charges aren’t lawful and that motorists shouldn’t pay them. However, in November 2015 a parking operator, like our client, took a motorist to court for a parking charge - and won. The Supreme Court ruled that the parking charge was lawful. The ruling is seen as an important ‘test case’ for parking operators, like our client. You can find details online at www.supremecourt.uk/cases/uksc-2015-0116.html

Yours sincerely
Collections Manager



Notice of intended court action - unpaid parking charge £160.00
We refer to our letter dated 15/05/2018, and note that you haven’t yet paid the amount shown above.

What happens next
If you haven’t paid in full or made arrangements to pay by 13/06/2018, we’ll pass your file to our client with a recommendation that they take further action against you.

What you need to do now
You need to pay by 13/06/2018. You can pay online or by phone. Go to www.debtrecoveryplus.co.uk/pay or phone 0208 234 6775. You can find full details of how to pay on the back of this letter.

What if you want to settle but you’re having problems paying
This is your last chance for an easier, more affordable way to pay - such as a debit/credit card payment on your next payday, or a short term payment plan. If you want to take up this offer to settle, phone us on 0208 234 6775 by 13/06/2018 - quoting our reference 5077547.

What if our client takes court action against you
If our client takes court action against you and they win, they may ask that you be ordered to pay their fees and solicitor's costs - as well as the parking charge.

In our letter dated 15/05/2018, we told you about the Supreme Court ruling in November 2015, where it was ruled that the parking charge was lawful. If our client takes action against you, they may use that ruling to support their case against you.

More information
To see a selection of court judgments that our clients have obtained against people who haven’t paid, go to www.debtrecoveryplus.co.uk or for more information on the Supreme Court ruling, go to www. su premecourt. uk/cases/uksc-2015-0116. html

Yours sincerely
Collections Manager


Offer to pay unpaid parking charge by instalments
We have contacted our client, Smart Parking Ltd, about the unpaid parking charge detailed above. As we have not yet received payment, we have advised them that court action to recover the amount outstanding should now be taken against MR BENDOVER.

Instalment Offer
In an effort to avoid the cost and inconvenience of court, our client has proposed that they will extend the payment deadline for a further 14 days, and you can pay the outstanding amount in a maximum of three monthly instalments.

What you need to do now
You now need to either contact us on 0208 234 6775 to set up your instalment plan, or pay the full balance of £160.00 by 28/06/2018. Please make sure that your first payment reaches us no later than 28/06/2018. You can pay online or by telephone. Go to www.debtrecoveryplus.co.uk/pay or phone 0208 234 6775. Full details of how to pay are shown on the back of this letter.

What if you don’t pay what you owe
If you do not pay the full amount by 28/06/2018 or if you have not agreed a payment plan with us by then, the creditor's solicitor may start court action to recover what you owe. In this case the amount due may increase.

For more information phone 0208 234 6775 or visit www.debtrecoveryplus.co.uk

Yours sincerely
Collections Manager