Dodgy Business

Highlighting Unethical, Undesirable and Fraudulent Business Activities

"Many people in this world are not content with running a fair and honourable business. They rip people off, exploit the trusting, the elderly and the vulnerable. They are underhanded, deceitful and fraudulent, literally conning people as they go about their everyday business activities leaving strings of victims in their wake. What we might call scumbaggery and scambuggery!"

Shit Sellers!
Everyone likes a bargain, and everyone likes to make a buck, or a pound note in this country. However, people who knowingly sell shit, do not do the world any favours. Shit only breaks, breaks down, or doesn't work properly in the first place. It's a false economy, and in the end, you have to pay more to get something decent, and therefore, you end up paying twice. Nobody needs shit sellers! Least of all those of us that like a bargain, because we don't have a lot to spend. It's just another con, in a full world of cons!

The Limited Company Liquidation Scam
Rip off as many people as you like, your debts will be written off, and the people you owe will be left with nothing. The administrators will even sell you back your own equipment at a real knock down price and you can start up in business again just down the road leaving all the people you have ripped off with nothing. All you have to do is go into liquidation, change your buSINess name and appoint the wife or some other cohort as the next director.

Privatisation is an excuse for the rich to make money at the expense of the poor. For most ordinary people in this country, privatisation means the quality of service goes down and the price goes up. The rich get richer and the poor pay more for a service that is less. Regardless of which government has been in power, the rich have rigged the housing market and have privatised and monopolised just about everything that used to be owned by the people. They have also deviously monopolised just about every essential public service, profiteering at the expense of the ordinary people. Isn't this corruption?

Crosstalk By Taz...
The Price Of Power
Vested Interest In The House

Dealing In Gambling Wrecks Lives, Just Like Dealing In Heroin
While the Government persecute people for smoking cannabis or enjoying a bit of coke when they're harming no other, just like heroin dealers, they and the rich are screwing the poor, leaving a trail of victims through dealing in gambling, a seriously addictive drug (drug inducing activity) that wrecks lives. Apparently, although gambling is destructive, and they're being extremely hypocritical, it's ok!

Smart Parking - Not So Smart - Indecent And Corrupt
Smart Parking appears to be another morally devoid company, propagating dubious tactics to take unfair advantage of people's parking problems and woes...

Debt Recovery Plus Limited - Extortion Racket
Surrounding and backing up companies such as Smart Parking, we have their associated so-called debt collection or recovery agencies who will continue the threats and intimidation, upping the price demand to put their bit on top.

Gladstones Solicitors - Misleading
Working on behalf of companies such as Smart Parking, and Debt Recovery Plus we also have Gladstones Solicitors. Advertising themselves as being 'specialists in corporate recovery', they continue to send out correspondence on behalf of their clients now making it seem like the whole thing is moving closer to a court hearing.

Business Greed
Is it really necessary or even healthy to structure our businesses and our societies the way we currently do? As some people are so highly paid at the expense of others, who also work and work hard, are we somehow missing a point? = Wronga.con
A call for the Government to ban, or properly regulate, morally bereft companies, such as Wonga's sole purpose seems to be to exploit people in need, by enticing them to borrow money, and charging them highly extortionate interest rates and excessive fees in return. This basically means that people who fall into the Wonga trap can be lured into a situation where they will never get out of debt and can be financially written off, all for the sake of borrowing a few hundred pounds. The interest rate, as currently advertised at the time of writing on is 4214% APR, yes, that's right, over four thousand per cent APR. Even the highest credit cards do not normally exceed 30% APR. This means that are charging people 140 times as much as even the highest of credit cards. Taking advantage of people already in dire straits is a sad reflection of the monetary and moral state of our society and some of the people in it.

Abbey National's Sneaky Ploy To Trap Unsuspecting Customers
Most companies have the courtesy to notify you in advance when something is due for renewal. Although, when it comes to your mortgage, not the Abbey National it seems. How much do they make from customers with this sneaky little ploy?

Santander - a leopard may change its name but it still has the same sneaky spots
Despite customer complaints going back many years, after they took over the Abbey National, Santander are still operating the same sneaky ploy to trap unsuspecting customers into paying additional interest charges by refusing to give advanced notification of mortgage deals coming to an end.

Santander - Dodgy Loan Offer
Offering loans for loyal Santander customers for 3% APR, but when you apply to get one the interest rate suddenly comes out to 3.9%. A big difference indeed.

Virgin Media - Room For Improvement!
A call for Virgin Media to stop trying it on by being deceitful, underhanded and devious with its charging and pricing policies and instead to be more honest, open and transparent...

Virgin Mobile
Misleading customers, lying by omission for financial gain, ignoring customers wishes, won't let you change your mind, customer service staff will help you out of a tight spot where they can, but there appears to be devious upper-management tactics at work.

Purple Bricks
Purple Bricks TV advertising is misleading. Claiming not to charge commission, but failing to mention that they DO charge a fee. It gives people the misleading impression that the service is free, and of course, it is not! It is just semantics.

Westminster Recliners / UK Mobility Direct / Anchor Mobility Limited
This morally bereft outfit, operating under different names, is blatantly lying and ripping off the elderly and the disabled...

License Compliance Services / Getty Images
Extorting significant amounts of money from people using misleading and fraudulent fear tactics...