Cons Of The Old, Pros Of The New

There are many limitations to the current archaic political system and considerable advantages for the common man to instituting a new system. One being we cannot then be herded against the majority will into anything that we would rather not, such as immoral and unjust war by politicians who cheat and lie. But the benefits go way beyond that with people being able and allowed to have a say in the country's housekeeping and what we would like to see. The greatest benefit is that the people of this country will no longer be living under a dictator. It will, at last, become a true democracy.

Limitations Of The Current Archaic System

Disproportionate Representation
Any candidate can be voted in on a disproportionate and unrepresentative percentage of the popular opinion. For example, Mr Cameron was given / seized power on a winning percentage representing just 18% of the population. Less than a fifth of all people voted for him and yet he was able to take office as prime minister. He was then replaced by a prime minister that the public didn't even vote for.

Requires physical attendance of voters to a ballot station
Although voters can vote by proxy or in some instances by post, a convoluted process, most have to physically attend one of hundreds of different ballot stations to physically mark a piece of paper and so cast their vote.

Requires manual counting of ballot papers
Counting of ballot papers goes on all through the night, making any election a long drawn out process. This means the existing system could never be utilised for other significant issues as the whole exercise currently required makes it highly impractical

Involves considerable expense for venues and staff overtime
Mounting an election is extremely expensive. It involves the use of hundreds of venues up and down the country. It also requires the considerable input from additional staff and requires thousands of hours of overtime for the many civil servants and council employees who have to oversee proceedings.

System is widely open to abuse, bias and corruption
As we know the current political system is widely open to abuse by those in charge. Politicians can virtually do what they like once they get in without further consultation or consideration of the people. They are open to monetary bias, in the form of favours for donations and the current system encourages and facilitates a high degree of back-scratching.

Current system is essentially undemocratic and allows people no further say after an election
With the current system the electorate are essentially just voting for a dictator who, once voted in, does what he or she likes without further consideration or consultation of the people. The ordinary people currently get no further say in major issues that can and do affect everybody and which, morally speaking, all people should be entitled to have a say in. There is therefore no element of democracy in the current political system regarding policy. For example the war in Iraq that many of the public didn't want and that has ultimately affected us all. It was essentially ordered by Tony Blair and George Bush who lied to the people and ordered us into that war. That war resulted in the emergence of the Islamic State fanatics and that now threatens the peace, stability and tranquillity for all in this world. This is not to mention the financial cost, the destruction and loss of property, thousands of lives lost or ruined and people made homeless. Dictators can make a considerable mess for the ordinary people as they follow their corrupt agendas and currently people have no power of veto. We have seen more than enough of that even in the UK.

Bringing about any form of change or improvement takes far too long
With the current system it takes far too long to bring about changes to things that are obviously in need of change. Getting any changes implemented in society is currently a very long drawn out process and also costs considerable sums of public money.

Advantages Of The New System

Generate more support, interest, respect and participation for and in the political system

Prevent any one person from making decisions that are undemocratically dictatorial and not the majority will

Policy debate and implementation will be fairer more expedient and efficient

Everybody can be consulted and it will therefore be a truly democratic system