The Spice Of Life, Or Death? - Part 1

A comprehensive analysis of the moral and practical implications of the law regarding controlled substances.

The following presents an alternative viewpoint to society's traditional and well-established 'understanding' regarding controlled substances, which has had its time and has failed dramatically in just about every area in need of addressing.

Conflict Of Opinion: The sensible use of some currently illegal substances can considerably broaden, heighten, enhance and improve many things in life. General understanding. Outlook. Social occasions. Educational occasions. Consideration. Empathy. Spiritual connectivity. Camaraderie and friendship. Purity of thought. Creative arts. Peace and goodwill. Sexual experiences. Personal development. Fun times. All positive points that cause conflict, due to the harsh reality of drug mismanagement, the misinformation, and the appalling and irresponsible lack of understanding, currently expressed by our society and those in charge.

A Bit Of Spice: Many people appreciate a bit of spice in life. A good curry, intrepid adventure, adrenaline sports, fun and games in the bedroom, places of interest. Whatever it happens to be, spicing up your life, that is making life more interesting and more fun, is something we all like to do. As humans, we like variation, adventure and new experiences, and experience is important because it forms the foundation of our understanding. Some things we may like to experience in life can present an element of risk or danger, and even crossing the road has to be done exercising some protocol and common sense in order to stay safe. When it comes to more complex things that present potential danger, this is especially true, and society generally tries to take a sensible and responsible approach. The first thing we do is provide the necessary education and training so that people know how to operate and what they can and can't do. The second thing we do, is make sure people have suitable quality equipment. Equipment that is reliable, safety-checked, fit for purpose and safe to use. If we do not observe these two very important things, tragedy and disaster can loom on the horizon!

Somewhat Subjective: The way things are in this world is largely controlled by our leaders, who make our laws and dictate direction. When people put themselves forward to lead, you expect them to be able set a good example and to have some understanding of what they are doing. However, looking at the state of this world, past and present, it is very evident that this is hardly ever the case. The world is ruled by people who are themselves responsible for the majority of the world's problems. Problems that penalize and degrade the quality of life for the ordinary people. Greed, poverty, war, death, destruction, people-displacement, oppression, persecution, heartache, misery. All in all, what you might call seriously inept planetary management. The sad fact is that politicians and leaders of nations are often notably flawed creatures. Morally stunted, full of excuses, selfish, greedy, never give you a straight answer, and they're the good ones. Their flaws are very evident in everything they do, or don't do, as the case may be. In some parts of the world, those in charge are seriously bad! Here, in the UK, we can thank our lucky stars that, despite what we may think of our politicians at times, this country is undoubtedly one of the best. Nevertheless, there is always room for improvement and we still have much to learn in the way we manage our society. Much of the way our societies are governed and controlled is through mankind's laws, and this is where life can become somewhat subjective.

Flaws: The thing is, laws are largely about man's opinion and man's opinion can be prone to error, because opinions are subject to flaws. Ignorance, stupidity, immorality, bias, bigotry, misinformation, selfishness, confusion, cruelty and even psychopathy, all have a bearing on mankind's laws. Because of the sad lack of general democracy in this world, laws are usually about the opinion of an individual, or a select few individuals, generally those in charge. The people in charge who think they know best, or who want to throw their weight around, but usually fall seriously short as human beings, as they do what they do, conniving and enforcing their often-retarded ways with thuggery. The trouble is, laws affect everyone's quality of life and our ability to be able to live as we would wish to live, and when we get it wrong, we cause ourselves all sorts of problems. If we don't act when we should, it encourages bad behaviour, which creates victims through criminal acts, and if we get the law wrong, it also creates victims through persecution by a state.

God's Law? We see much of this in our world and it causes heartache, misery, resentment and violence. Some people even think they can make it illegal to be gay. As if you have a say in it! Of course, we did that in this country not so long ago, and that shows our ignorance. It also shows what a difference a little bit of understanding and enlightenment can make, because now you can get married. A complete change of attitude, and a much nicer world for it. Other countries still suffer badly at the hands of idiots and their perverse manmade laws. Some even use God as an excuse for their idiocy. Even when people tell you it's God law, it's not. It's another manmade law that idiots and misguided men have concocted to suit their own bigoted viewpoint. In some places they unjustly penalize, bully and oppress young girls and women, as well as others who may have a different belief, or opt for a different lifestyle choice. Ignorant, backward and bigoted thugs and bullies picking on people. Nothing to do with God!

Manmade Laws: It's a sad fact that we have seriously wronged and persecuted others in this country at times. It's another very sad fact that we even persecuted Alan Turing. After all the good work he did in cracking Enigma and helping us to win the war, we picked on him because he was gay. The authorities forced him to take hideous and damaging drugs, or face going to prison. They eventually drove him to suicide. Nice!! I wonder if he'll forgive us, now we've stuck his face on a fifty-pound note. In 2017, the Alan Turing Law pardoned all gay men prosecuted under the Sexual Offences Act. Gracious of us, but a bit late - although better late than never! Of course, the buck stops with those in charge. Those people who set themselves up, telling us that they know best, but still generally manage to fall short and make a complete mess of things. The same people that make the rules and instigate such persecution with manmade laws that contravene human rights, common sense and God's will. People should be entitled to know their own mind and be themselves when not hurting anyone else! Shouldn't be too difficult to understand!

Persecution Issues: Now people are 'allowed' to be gay in the UK, it's one less problem for us to worry about, and those of us who prefer a gay lifestyle choice can have it. However, this issue is still a significant problem in other parts of the world, and we hope that one day, the bigoted small-minded people that cause such problems will realise the error of their ways and butt out. In the meantime, they just create more heartache and misery for decent human beings simply trying to be themselves and enjoy their lives. Nowadays, we don't have too many persecution issues in the UK, but a significant area that still remains a major problem is the issue of what the state officially calls 'controlled substances'. What is more often simply referred to as 'drugs'. One of the most misunderstood, controversial and badly managed areas in society! Politicians just don't know how to tackle this subject. Consequently, they blunder on, persecuting people, acting immorally and hypocritically, causing resentment and bad feeling, making matters worse for everyone, by increasing crime, damage and harm, and whilst they're at it, wasting ill-affordable, inordinate amounts of public money that could be much better spent on other things, such as people in need!

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Crosstalk by Taz: January 2023