Man's Abortion?

Interfering Man! Most of the problems in this world are caused by men who interfere in the lives of others. Some do it because they are bullies and control freaks, who want to subjugate others. Some do it because they are arrogant and think they know better. Some do it because they think they're doing what God wants, deluded as this may be. Some do it because they think they are helping in some way, or doing the right thing. In fact, in all of these cases, the opposite is usually seen to be the case. Whatever the motivation, the urge of some to interfere in the lives of others, is responsible for war, persecution, hatred, heartache, misery and resentment. There is a reason as to why God gave man freewill, and it wasn't to have it taken away by someone else!

Miscarriage Of Justice! Three things catch my attention this morning, all as a result of men in high places, imposing their will, and not doing the right thing by the people or planet. The ongoing war in Ukraine, caused by President Putin. Totally unnecessary! The incredible wasting of resources of one of the most impoverished and starved countries, that is North Korea, developing nuclear weapons, because of Kim Jong Un. Again, totally unnecessary! Thirdly, the U.S. Supreme Court, who want to take the world backwards and abolish a woman's right to have an abortion, imposing all the heartache, the mental conflict and turmoil that this act will inflict on people and babies alike. Yes, you guessed it! That's what I think!

Blame God! Those who want to oppress and bully often blame God for what they think and the misguided way they behave. However, in such instances, nothing could be further from the truth. The way THEY think and behave has nothing to do with God. It may have something to do with religion, and they themselves may be misled, scarred, or badly damaged by religion, but God is certainly nowhere in the picture. So many people think their bigoted, biassed and abhorrent behaviour is somehow of God. How deluded we are at times. Even more bizarre to think that God would be in agreement with anyone forcing, or trying to force their own deluded opinion on others in matters that have nothing to do with them. Religion is a mess. Again, nothing to do with God!

Men!!! The debate and laws on abortion? Why are ANY men getting involved in THIS situation anyway? Pregnancy and abortion is the domain of women. Nothing to do with men. Men cause enough problems in this world. Men need to butt out! Men have a lot to answer for. Some men think it’s right that they should have control over women, that women are somehow brainless individuals with no rights, a bit like your car, that you can just drive anyway you like! Men have a lot to learn. Decent men are few and far between and when men worm their way into high places and positions of authority, those flaws that are particularly prominent in some, can cause massive problems for us all - as we have seen!

Machines: It's very important to understand what constitutes a human being and what constitutes life. Mankind is only just getting to the point where we can understand the concept of life-technology. Yes, we are technology. Yes, we are machines. The whole universe is a machine. However, when does a machine become conscious? When does a machine become life? That is the question. Life technology, in this case, human technology, is more than just physical form. Just because something ticks, beats, pulses, or even looks like a human being, doesn't mean it's alive, or it's a life! It may just be a clock on the mantlepiece!

Life Technology: There is a bit more to life than automated processes and a heartbeat is a purely automated process. It is not on its own, a measure of life. It is perhaps difficult for us as human beings to fully understand our own makeup at present, but software is a massive part of what we are and become, and life cannot be life, that is conscious life, without it. Most people nowadays can understand that a computer with no software is an empty shell and not complete. It cannot work, be meaningful, or useful, until it is loaded with some software. The same is true of a foetus. It is a mechanised and automated assembly process. It won't be any more than a potential life until it is loaded with some software!

Mother's Body: Something else to bear in mind is that until a baby is born, it is actually a part of the mother and the mother's body. The mother is entitled to do what she likes with her own body, she therefore has the final say. Anyone else is simply interfering and imposing their own bigoted opinion and, in fact, thereby committing a sin. God gave everyone freewill. Freewill is about choice and learning from the choices we make in life. After all, we have to live with the consequences of all the decisions we ultimately make. Better we are allowed to make those decisions and choices for ourselves without interference from those who think they know better, because those that do, generally just contribute to the mess already in this world. Mind your own business is the best way to go, because when God takes a closer look at you, there will be plenty of work for you to do, believe me! Especially if you think you have the right to interfere in the lives of others.

Those Already Here: Trying to impose your own views in matters that do not directly concern or relate to you, such as someone else's pregnancy, is not respectful. It is better to find something to do that is respectful and leave others alone to work things out for themselves. We have enough children in this world already, many of which we cannot properly feed or look after as it is. Those among us who think they have a right to interfere, should perhaps turn their attention and energy towards helping some of them. The fully-formed conscious human beings that are already here in this world and are already feeling pain and suffering because we can't properly look after them! Let's put some energy into helping them, rather than interfering in the lives of others who are already in a difficult position. Now that would be good and much more welcome!

Crosstalk by Taz: June 2022