Yes, we do need policeman on the beat...

A Rare Happening: It was a Tuesday evening, around 7pm and I was on my out, but had to turn back as my ex-wife, who was out walking the dog, had forgotten her key. I said I would meet her (and the dog) at the top of the road and take them back to the house. Just as I pulled up to meet her I saw two policemen on the beat. I really wish I'd wound down the window and remarked to them what a pleasure it was to see them. I can't remember the last time I saw policemen on the beat in our neighbourhood. Some years ago we had a police drop-in centre over the road, so policemen and community policemen were often coming and going, but since it was relocated, policemen on the beat are sadly a very rare event around here.

Great For The Community: There are many advantages to having policemen on the beat, from keeping the speeding motorist and the local youths in check, to picking up local knowledge and intelligence, making burglars and other villains think twice, and simply making people in general feel safer and more secure - which of course they are. For decent people, there are no negatives factors, and yet as our government make further cuts in life-degrading areas, as it panders to the rich and the super-rich, we see less and less of what ordinary people need and what they like to see, including the good old beat-bobby. What policemen we do have nowadays often have to spend their time addressing social service issues with people who need basic psychiatric help, as the Government puts even more excessive and inappropriate demands on our police service.

Slated For Being Honest! The Police Federation chairman, Steve White, highlighted this problem with the lack of beat-bobbies, citing the positives and negatives. For his trouble and his honesty, he was effectively slated by the Home Secretary, accusing him of 'crying wolf' and 'scare-mongering'. Crying wolf I have personally always associated with not telling the truth and I wonder if this is what the Home Secretary was implying, that Mr White was in fact lying. Personally, I think it is a scary fact that policemen on the beat ARE an endangered species, as Mr White commented. He was being totally honest and facing up to facts in the hope that someone in an appropriate position may listen. Most people would agree whole-heartedly with what he said, because it is the truth, as most of us of a certain age know, having lived through the decline! If Mrs May thinks it is scare-mongering to face the truth, what does she suggest? That we all bury our heads in the sand? What with that and a lack of bobbies on the beat, the villains would have a great time!

Let's Not Pretend! I do wonder about politicians. They are despicable, self-interested creatures at times and they simply don't tell the truth. They literally lie through their teeth and expect us all to believe it. Unfortunately, until we get some true decency in our society and our structure of management, we may have to put up with it, but rest assured, we don't have to fall for it! For the benefit of all politicians, telling the truth, scary or not, does serve the public and it's a shame we don't see more of it from our politicians! The politicians may like to pretend that things are a certain way, as they pander to and stoke the bank accounts of the rich. However, the simple fact is that the truth is still the truth and that does not change! Regardless of what they say!